2 weeks and 4 days..time past so fast!!
nearly 3 weeks ady!!with my two weekday off days!!3weeks will soon be gone!
so ytd first time take cases!!and my preceptor asked me how many cases i want to take on dat day..
i wanted to take 2 only cuz i neva take cases before...
but she was so confident of me..
she gave me in charge of all the patients!!
tts a total of 5 pateints since 3 empty bed!
but cuz one patient had incident she took that case..phew~~
I was quite blur..but hey i was able to handle it...!
now i think i will have problems...
somehow i became too close to them...
(im in cancer ward btw..)
i just hope...
they will have the will to carry on living...
they bring laughter to me..
they share their past with me...
hurts me wen they tear and tell me how they felt when they were diagnosed..
THEY are the REAL heroes of the world..!
i'd pray for them..give them my best care..
i'd love them like my own..it's a challenge for myself...
nevertheless im still afraid of night shift!!
tell me bout it!!
going home at 9.30pm alone scares me off ady!!
especially that day wen i enter tearoom alone..
freaking out i went to toilet to wait for my fren...
however wen i got out!!i saw the GREEN TROLLEY!!
i was uber freaked out laa!!!
(btw green trolley is the trolley that they collect the bodies to the mortuary)
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
random rants!!
-i hate it when ppl dunno how to say EXCUSE ME and just SQUEEZE their butt to fit in their not-so-small butts to this teeny weeny space beside you..and when they do so..they show their butt right to your face!!
-I hate it when ppl stand right in front of me, while im sitting at the bustop..covering my whole damn view of what bus is coming...
makes my long neck grow longer!!
- someone irritated me by not giving me directions and therefore i hit an SN foot with the hospital bed!
-you are just shitting thru ur mouth by incessant use of word and tt totalley irritate me...
-i irritated myself by not bringing my earpiece to work and therefore suffered silent bus rides to and fro!!
random happiness!!
-im totalley happy cuz ive finally managed to catheterise a patient(layman:poke a tube in the place where u pee)!!woohoo!!n yea she's a female..hehs!!
-im totalley happy with my almost 2weeks of attachmt!
-im totalley happy that i saw yap today..tho he came to my ward for the wrong reason(he came to collect RIP pts)
-im totalley happy that i saw CI josephine tt day for god noes what reason was i happy also!
-im totalley happy when i saw sumone the other day at the last hour.
-im totalley happy that i had dinner with azimah sexy mama!!hehs!
-im totalley happy that the weekends coming tho i wont have two off days on weekend!!
in conclusion..
im happy for the little things yet little things do irritate me..!
the presence of frens make me happy!!haha!!!
random thots!!
the day when i will stop needing my handphone as an mp3 is when i get the songs played up on my mind!
love you all!!
Labels: staying anger-free for 3 months at least
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
so 1 week done!
phew!11weeks of PRCP aka final MAJOR posting tt student nurses have to go through!!
3days of orientation was abit too draggy and BORING!!
well wat made it fun was the company i had!!
not forgetting rouhui who joined us like on the 2nd day!!
anyways,ward attachment was fun!!
so far laa...
get good staffs!!nice preceptop (still crossing fingers)
good roster!!
oh thank god dis sat and next im OFF duty!!
dat means i can go for my last 2 lessons of dance!!woohoo!!
okay after tt focus to prcp AND driving!
tts all laa my updates!!
and oh ya!!!
ive a major news!!!
I'vE gone FATTER LAR!!!phfft and im soo gonna turn bulimic or maybe anorexic soon!!cuz ive been weighing myself daily!!
wondering if i should crash my diet or go to dance classes or pilates to return to my ideal weight!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
wooh!!Finally the end of holidays!!
im so EXCITED/LOOKING FORWARD/just uber excited for PRCP!!
dun ask me why...
maybe im finally reaching my dream...?
the dream of being a nurse..?
i still rmb that i said to Mrs Foo C.S in sec 1 tt i wanted to be a nurse...
i was nonetheless looked down upon..for WANTING to be a nurse...
andtill this day..the guy who always got bullied back then in secondary school, jerome unexpectedly still rmbs it and
asked me the other day if im still on my journey to be a nurse...
i hope i wudnt look back on my 3yrs education..
(well partly the reason i broke up with my ex for looking down on my career prospects..)
so holidays have been fun!!
went to genting with mum and sis at a last min 12midnite bus coach over down...
last day of A&E attachment and i went over to halloween's nite..
and rushed down to golden mile for the trip!
came back and then injured my neck adn shoulder!!so i skippede dance with SA!!
i cant really rmb wat i did after tt..
but i noe i keep going out!!hehs!!
it was a period of short and sweet holidays!!
So today my last day of holiday!!
im going to clean up my wardrobe!!
which has been due for cleaning ever since before raya sets in...hehs!!
gotta find my missing nursing watch in tt whole junkyard of my wardrobe!!
and my phone has been due for collection in which i wud collect it maybe tmr!!
happiness and double happiness!!
and TMR LEE FUNG GONNA BE OVER AT SGH!!!ward 47!!!im so happy she's over at SGH!!and 1 ward down from mine!!
okay nurses lets endure this 3MONTHS of PRCP yea!!!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
Annual meet up with the melayus of 4C-ians!!
it was awesome!!with past year jokes tt still made us chuckle!!
this year bringing Zul in..his first outing with us!
tho this year's outing was much lesser ppl...
it was no doubt lots of fun!
as usual had our buka puase first..but this time went over to haji lane there after...
oh thx zul for being our cameraman!hehe
these girls fell while trying to take shots on air!!it was hilarious cuz all of us were concentrating on our own to jump and get tt freeze!!lols!
The gang tt went...while some shisha-ed me,ezan and zul went over to snap snap!!
there's loads of pics but i cant be bothered to dwld all of it up u see....hehs!!

this was funny...we STOLE a pic over here..
but hey i wanna go IN next time..
seems to be selling nice and CHEAP clothes and accesories!!

the paintings on the wall??i wonder who does it...but its a nice piece of art...
enjoyed our ANNUAL outing...the fact tt it was made possible with the organisers...
we came tgt but now live lifes apart...
different lines different dreams..but we still made time for each other!!
love u guys!!
and i missed the takbir since i was out with them!!!
Labels: last day of puase
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
sorry lah for the delay..much to my amazement i was tag by three ppl...so here goes!
RULE #1 People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
RULE #2 Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to other people.
Tagged by May and Mimi and Poh
here goes
1. Do you have secrets?
Yeap i do laah duh!
2. Would you fall in love with a boy younger than you?
I cant lie..i used to think its silly but if the guy look matured i wud go for it..anw no one noes if the guy next to u is 1 age of a difference or two..unless he look childish and literally young??i ges?
anw there's no rule saying u cant go for a younger guy.hehs!
3. Do you enjoy going to school?
yea i do...cuz can meet people and socialise..well i always go to school for the wrong reason..
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
keep and bury with me when i die..ok kidding..prolly split among my family my grandma so tt they can go up the ladder..?
5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
NOOO NEVER!!Cuz he's someone i dun wanna lose..so why risk losing someone u can almost never find?
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
both laa...being loved will make u feel blessed,loving someone(well the right one) makes tt someone feel bless which in turn makes u more blessed?haha!
7. List 5 favourite movies
Mean girls
Wishing stairs
Rush hour!
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
I'd get crushed laa...duh!but heck cuz i dun wan to be attached so why waste someone else's chance of getting attached?
9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
ehk alot of things make me extremely happy..but one i cant forget was the OBS incident!!haha!
where a guy actually help keep me warm(ehh dun think dirty ehs)while i was shivering and literally chattering my teeth in the dawn!aww...so sweet!!and no he was just my crush...lols!
10. Do you have any regrets?
ya..i'd be mean if i'd say it here...lols!
11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
doing sth different?i like to venture out of my own norms..so yea..prollyy teaching?dancing,photgraphing?artist?i dunno?air stewardess maybe?
12. Who are currently the most important people to you?
eh my grandma,family, bestie and friends too
13. What kind of person do you think the person that tagged you is?
poh-kuku she can get all blur and so innocent tt u just cant resist calling her kuku..sumone who u can grab to go take those thrilling rides!!she's game for fun!
may-she's the kind tt u can look for..for dirrrty talks...kk im kidding..but she LOVES thinking WRONGLY..if u get wat i mean..hehe and she loves banana...as in the fruit laa wat u all thinking?
Mimi-she's the kinda tt if u need a cuppa at starbucks or a shoppa..she's the one u cud bring..
she's the one who u can talk for hours over the phone and the kinda tt u can spend few hours sitting at delifrance and hint the waiter tt ur dessert not served(well it happened to me heh)..
and coincidentally these 3 are my PPG gang!!a crazy clique tt was formed due to a crazy attachment!!hehs!
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
i'd be wat i am now...lols
15. What is your favourite colour?
16. Would you give all in a relationship?
Not at the moment
17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
the funnier one..well i havent fell in love with 2 ppl b4..haha!!
18. What are the top five countries on your 'to-go' list?
must it be countries?
well i'd love to got
Hong Kong
North pole can??
19. Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
eh swinging single??
20. Five people I have tagged
phfft! I dunno who!!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd