Friday, September 19, 2008 ; 3:54 PM
yay!!In case your wondering how's my link suppose to be pronounced..
it is psyskutz as in sai-scootz!
haha dun ask me wat it means..i just find it nice to mouth this word..
-a sign of neologism..hehe
and dun be disappointed with the same blogskin..and maybe blogsong..
i might or might not change the blog..just that im hooked with this skin...cuz its green!!hehe
anyhoo!!im here not to update about what my url or blog is all about...
im here to update one of my holi-DAY..
haha so cool aites..
so i went to monsters of hiphop..
a dance production they would do bi-annually if im not wrong..
the starting was okay..not sth tt wow-ed me..
but thruout the escalated up..
bring up my emotions and wanting to see more...
and playing funky songs..
and my current fave song closer by neyo..
it was awesome!!
my most favourite dance of it all that still leaves an impression on me
is "where has my baby gone" its a cute couple dance...
nice song...
nice illustrate a story..
i'd also like the high-school musical kinda concept..
like they started out dancing at a basketball scene
and moved to different2 scenes!!
its so inspiring...
i tell you that i WANT to be on THAT stage!!
not forgetting the costumes were fabulous..!!
so superb..
and thinking of the musical tt i did back then..
it was nothing...!!-no offence..
and then..
my eyes got FIXED!!
this guy danced using boxers..
spongebob to be exact..
when he's up there performing..
it just wow u!!so inspiring..
and he knows how to play with facial expressions..
okay so after the production ended..
we went hang around that area...
lols with a purpose in mind...huahuahua...
but i didnt see him me and germ went to take a walk alone..
only two of us...
cuz we wanted to see....
and the tot we cudnt see anyone...
so went to toilet...and i saw zee along the way and said
"zeee.....i wanna take pic with that spongebob!!!"*sad face*
suprisingly zeee was like..." mean (his name) arh"
"okay quick quick come.."
i tell u we were like charging him form far...
made zee with that dress look alil unglam..
but hey she helped me...
*evil laughters*
so here goes the pics!!

tt guy in red is him...
and coincidentally me wearing red too...
haha..and wen taking this pic..
when we all had alrd formed up..he actually shyed away and left..
but came back..arghh!!!so cute can..
the point in time where i can feel my lips shivering...
so nervous can standing beside him..
there's another guy actually..
who's pretty nice and can dance sooo..
but i didnt see him around..
kay so here goes me and germ with her candy!
haha he's a dancer too..
which many of my alumni think he's hot...
and then i became evil..
these few pics are taken for a reason...
don't look at the main ppl..
haha..hint he's just behind me...

im so dead if anyone of them so this..phfft!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
Sunday, September 07, 2008 ; 4:02 PM
i was away for 3days...
i came back happy...
only to know that my happiness was short-lived..
like a flickering bulb that ended up fused..
and so i learnt from my Mrs J.wong tt
when there's a squabble you just shut up cuz the other party hopes for a rebuttal..
if u rebutt,u provoke and the other party wins...
and there won't be any ending in the squabble...
but what happen when u just shut up..
only to know you risk getting physically abused...
and to know that you're already emotionally bruised?
i am bruised and emotionally tormented...
and i hate it...
why can't I enjoy happiness a lil longer??
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
Thursday, September 04, 2008 ; 5:44 PM
So i thought and i think i know..
Rab(me ) will be disgusting if i loses my language..
and im starting to be disgusting!!
i'd be away..
learn to laugh at your own self before you can laugh at others
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
Wednesday, September 03, 2008 ; 8:57 PM
you know sitting at home like a couch pohtahtoe never fail to make my mind idle..
i think alot..i DREAM alot..
i always have alot internal battle going on in my mind..
and fasting month=lot of activities lesser=more idling of the mind..
see what ive did ever since fasting month started?
-sleep,wake up early,eat my break fast in the wee hours,pray,think think think,then fall asleep..
-go out
-read books,mags or whatever i can find
-go driving pracs
-listen to perfect ten...
wala wala..well anyway tt's beside the point..
i just wanted to write down my wildest dream in my life so far..
My wildest dreams/wish
when i was a kid,a pre-schooler i'd dreamt tt i'd be able to swim
(and i still cant..boohoo!)
when i started growing up..i dreamt tt i cud be a gymnast!doing those somersaults and stunts looked wayy awesome!
(poof!it was just a dream but i was able to do a center split when i was small!!)
then i grew up..i wanted to perform on stage
(my first stage experience was on my first day of primary one!i was called up by the principal to read a story book!!it was scary!!and i'd rmb tt the last page was when the chickens go "chirrp!cheeeep!chirrrrp!!")
singing looks interesting!!it wasn't part of my dream..but i joined choir!!haha!!
and i continue growing up..and then..i saw the libraians zapping barcodes..and i told my mum i wanted be a libraian!
(and i did became one..but after zapping books i got tired and sick of it and quitted..arranging books in library was horrible!!)
when i was in primary school..i dreamt tt i could dance
(and yes i did..i performed for teacher's day for twice of thrice)
i dreamt tt i wanted to be a netballer..
(i became one..but quitted cuz of some reasons...)
so i got to a decent secondary school...
i dreamt to play the drums!!
(i couldn't cuz mum wants me to join SJAB!)
i dreamt i was able to join dance
(i did in sec 1 buty quitted after sec 1 cuz it did one choreography for a boringg??!)
i dreamt i could be on stage
(yea i did..i gave speeches and recite the school and national pledge..)
then going on to poly
i fulfilled my dream of joining dance...suprisingly stayed thruout wen mum tot i wud quit halfway
i wanted to perform
(yea i did..countless of time on diff occasions)
and now i got the wildest dream...
i wanna do an mtv just for agnes monica!
(geez this will only be a dream...never to be able to fulfill!!)
dreams make life interesting..
whether it tears u apart make u go crazy...
i guess dreams make u chase after it so tt life will be more meaningful..
a step closer to your dreams make u delighted..
just like.....oh nvm..hee!
Labels: dreams
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
Tuesday, September 02, 2008 ; 9:38 PM
woah!!finally my first driving practical lesson today!!it was a killer...knowing tt i had nightmares of driving ever since i started doing practical made it was scary knowing tt i had to be alone..going there all by myself..finding the car tt i was assigned was so blurr..
i came early cuz i cab down even tho its 15mins away from my house..haha..but when i was there the schedule is not up yet..and beside me was this guy who was ranting away on the phone using those f-words just cause he cant book his tp yet..lols!i started freaking up when the schedule wasnt up yet when it was already 15mins away from my lesson time..and then..when it was up..i was scared i had to find my own way to the 158..lols!
my instructor looked like a girl but was actually a guy..dammit!!hahahe was nice luckily seeing tt it was my first lesson!!but the freaky part was when he handed over the car to me!!i was freaking out every moment!!and like may i was like "huh??my turn to drive arh?"lols!!if anyone were to see my face at tt moment..i tell u it was priceless..
driving at 20km/hr seems to be damn fast..and yea!!i kept stalling!!and got one part i pressed the accelerator and half clutch such that the gear cant be changedand it made a screeching sound!!i ended up laughing away laa!!
during the course of driving,it started raining and luckilt in abt 2omins time i was ending my lesson!instead of getting out of the car to change back seats..we started hopping in the car to change our seats!it look so wrong...geez!
im pretty freaked out for my next few lessons but i still have to do it..!phhhft!!n yea my legs turned jelly after the driving!
geez thx bestie nazmi for encouraging me...and yea ur soo gonna grad first la!!and u've to keep ur promise yaw!!rent a car where we both take turns to drive around!!and lee xiao wei for telling me not to be disheartened..haha!!thx babe!!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
; 8:52 PM
okay here goes!!
picnic!!-yea baby!!but i forgot abt the retro music!Bummer!

Picnic was excitingly and unexpectedly fun!!
we woke up at 6am just to be there by 8am!!
and yes at the classic place!botanic gardens!
the last i went there was like when in primary school doing the science "I am a young Botanist" project!
the place changed alot!!
and as u can see the pictures above are stolen from poh's bloggie!!haha
she have yet to send me the pics and i love one of the pics which she did not post out in her blog!!
i tell u POH WAS UBER EXCITED tt she went WOOH! WOOH!
so cute la she..
after tt went to watch meet dave with poh n mimi
it was a random suggestion cuz tt day movie was priced at 6bucks!
haha..we went wisma starbucks before tt..rmb tt poh and may was with me the last i went there!!

Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
Monday, September 01, 2008 ; 9:34 PM

it's high time i throw away my lil notebook.
my lil jotterbook..
my doodle companion..
this little book witnessed my anger,frustration,my love,my time doodling..
the book that help me sort out my time..
im so attached to this book that throwing it seems too hard for me to do!
so here goes me unrevealing snippets ink-written words..!
random time table..
wed 16/07/08
1010-1100 hs 3041 k.403 bernard
1110-1200 hs3041 k.403 bernard
1300-1350 hs 3034 LTJ-2 Pat C.
1400-1450 hs3034 LTJ-2 Pat C.
4-5pm theory paper!!
1 water
3 salt
2 large sheet of polyethylene
8 cigarette lighter
9 newspaper
air map
4 a selection of spare clothing
6 choc
first aid
loaded pistol
5 knife
7 small mirror
rmb this exercise in clemaus tutorial?where our group consist of mostly the chatterbugs made so much din to debate which was the most important to survive in the airplane crash?..haha!!
okay here goes my lil doodling stuffs!
Where(direction) you think this (both you & me) is heading to now?
where you want to head it to?
You got me tangled up!!!
Got me thinking, got me pondering
i've never thought of it as of yet
You got me dumbfounded again
why you jkasjdk(i can't read this word) me??
Why you're asking me?
What do you want it to be?
I enjoy your company and thats all that matter to me!
i never knew
i never anticipate
I never wanna know what the future has its take
expect the unexpected
& its really unexpected
tell me why i'm afraid??
my thoughts are jumbled
putting me in this state
made me glance at the past to it...
im just afraid...
just afraid...
Tell me...
how did
A story..
how did it even started w/o me knowing it..
It's like
*slap me* Wake me up..
Is this really e reality?
I'm just afraid...afraid to proceed..
I just Do you even want to proceed?
I don't know my next move..i never knew my moves...
It's impromptu..
i don't plan,I don't wanna plan
the bon-voyage note for ASD haha this is the actual one but in my book got alot of drafts!It wasn't that long we got to know you.
The first time we saw you,back
then in *** wd**, being one of e jovial, cheerful, and very helpful SN.
Nevertheless tt moment of student-staff r'ship
blossomed into friendship bounded by fate
that got us this close.
You'd be away fro awhile as part of you career..We wish you e
best of luck and we believe tt you know what to do
for him
Finally pondering over the maths
problem sums tt you came up with
Answers really don't pop in my mind
What's the formula tt i need to use?
WHich method?
scalars or vectors?
Im good in neither..
6days or less for me to solve?
Do I really have to get it solve
or will the ans just be unknown
in the end?
another one
Boy!You got me confused..
You wanna know where you stand..
You wanna know where's the direction..
To tell you e truth..I ain't sure myself
The direction tt you and me are
heading to seems e same..
Both in the land of fantasy world
indulging in an imaginary r'ship
where both finds comfort in..
I'm really really not sure
where to head to next.
I'm afraid to show make the move
For the imaginaryh r'ship might just.
disappear into thin air..
But it seems that we are
bound tgt by this thing tt...i odn't know..
Haiz..!YOu got me confused boy!I never had this feeling..
I'm losing my words...
What got you questioning?
Why didnt I think about it?
It wasn't anticipated..
I was really dumbfounded
The last time you got me dumbfounded was when you
sent me home..
Wanting to extend e time
to talk..
But i couldn't..Cuz it was midnight..
I clearly rmb what you did after tt..
Doing the lil reservoir..
I swore..i've no idea what was going on
But you swoon me and I found you
sweet to send me home when it was
totally out of the way..
The first guy to do tt(afta long)..It sure carved a lasting impression
But nevertheless..I thot it was just a casual act from you..tho i dohave my suspicions.
WHen you asked me out,
Before you were sent to serve the country
It was just you and me..
ANd i didn't dress up properly..
Just you adn me
by the enticing blue sea.
we talked and talked..
had fun,laughter and jokes..
YOur phone kept ringing..
but somehow,sitting beside you felt so comfortable..It was just YOU..
Something i've not felt for long time since..
It was a strage feeling..
strange feeling...
But it didnt get me questioning
I cried the next day when you left..
i ain't sure why?
But i know..i was missing you...
and somehow the thot of someone
I'm confrotable with leaving me
got me broken down
the fear of you leaving me got into me..
But why?When we barely knew each other?
It was just strange to come to thin about it...
WHen we are strangers..i felt
comfortable talking to you,listening to you & i love your company..
It's funny that i can't explain it..
perhaps i know it..
Right here..deep in my heart..
But i can't seem to find the words to put it down..
i don't know..
what's/where do i want to head to?
Well..I just want to be in your hands..
so tt you cant think of where to put me..
I like what we are now..
Undeniably,its an imaginary rship..
gosh tt was long!!haha didnt beleive i could write tt much..okay here's a last one before i post it..
i have another one but its sooo not pleasant so i'd post it the next one!!
I miss you..
I'm thinking of you..
I want to sit beside you
*i like you*
I miss your voice
I miss your laughter
i miss your braces
can i (fill in a word) you?
can we enjoy what we are a lil longer?
Can we stay stagnant?
Im afraid to change the situation (his nick)
Im waiting to see you soon..
2 weeks not gonna meet..
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd