Check it out...!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
mum's the BEST!!
she's gotten me a pretty personalised cashcard for me..
when i verbalise tt i needed cashcard to print stuffs in school
its pretty cuz got my picture on it...hehe
tho the display name kinda get me irritated bt i love it...
(she had my nick on it..hmph!)
okays few days have passed..
im excited for hols!!somehow..
im on cloud 9(prolly due to hormones)
i wanna start my discovery again...
i wanna flap my social wings!!
im feeling....feeling feeling..
i wanna go out...i wanna....
i wanna wanna wanna!!haha
tho i will TRY to enjoy the posting as much as i enjoyedthe other posting i went so far..
BUT one thing i noe for sure tt makes me look forward for posting is...
i'll get to hold the newborns..AGAIN!!
those cutie pies will make my day...if the mum allows me to..
i wanna bottlefeed the babies!!the cute miniatures..
all right
AND i still have yet to get a nurse's watch and scisoors!!boohoo!
alritey.. till here then!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd

aint she cute..aww..
i sacrifice my comforter for her to sleep on..

and i teach her to smile for the camera..hehe
she gets extra points for being social..lalala

i teach her how to read...nyahaha!!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
Class outing was ystd...14 14s turn THAT was something..
see how thoughtful i was..
i booked banquet for them
I booked the bus for them...
dun be a fool and believe me..
BUT anw here's the main thing..
they say if you take something, you have to give something..
How true..
BUT i cant resist the fact that ystd I was the LUCKIEST GIRL ON EARTH!!!
haha i
okay poh say..rab too kind so thats why im kinda lucky
okay here's the thing...
i found _____
weijie say we have to leave a paper at the exact spot where we took _____!haha
i coincidentally met my sakuraian kental!hehe
i earn _____bucks just by _________ in half an hour??...
I saw white shirt guy and he got me swooned!!n i realised tt after like hours later...
okay in return for ALL my luckiness..i had something to give out back!!ugh~
but nothing beats my lucky star!!nyahaha!!
oh alrite...i was pretty comfy with them
3 guys and me but i didnt feel intimidated..
at least there was things to talk but white shirt was sweet and gentlemen
hehs..BUT mimi said he was SHORT...
and i ges i wudnt bother abt height UNLESS he's a head shorter than me..that's a NO-NO!
BUT he wasn't was he??haha BUT his personality attracts..
im always imagining the impossible..*dreams*
but theres a mini possibility tt i will get to meet white shirt AGAIN!!
anw, we talk talk talk...ALOT..
okay fine im still swooning over!!
white shirt last words to me, "ugh...hey...bye..!" *waves*
melts down.....absorbing the love effect all on my own
(and i was cautious not to fall while blading alone as i left the scene...)
haha pardon my cheesy-o!
ive been reading too much love novels.....
and getting myself entangled into this feel..
i was disgusted with the act-like-ur-a-couple-thing with blue shirt..haha
okay my hols are here!!!ASK ME OUT PPL!!
Labels: if only the impossible happens...
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
i was on the dot..early by a few minutes!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
phew..seeing orange circles derives SATISFACTION from me
clicking thru every button..managing to look thru..Up and Down..
spending hours on this thing..(this sounds soo...wrong!!)
mayn...i finally finally managed to get myself seated on this well-cushioned seat
to finish my e-learning...
(okay probably not completed on my environmental health..)
studying has never been sucha pleasure...
oh wells 2 MORE PAPERS TO GO!!
im SOooo enjoying the process..
what can you say??its the last second time im gonna be in NYP sports-cum-exams hall
to take the exams..
okay prolly not for tmr and the day-after exams..
im left with shading 100 MCQs for PSYCHO PAPER!!!
and finishing my pencil lead and ink for MED-SURG PAPER!!
and hopefully give the invigilators my inkless pen and broken pencil as token of appreciation for collecting my papers..
hey its a positive reinforcement ya know!!*Snaps*
Im probably suffering from anhedonia..
its one of the common side effects of exams..really..
you'd be a fool if u believe me word for word
and to make matters worst...
the school exam board is pretty sick to set our papers at 9AM~~
i want to chill....
i want to slack...
i want to take a break...
i want to be in a daze mood..
i just want to spend a day watching the time pass by..hehe
and yes i know i can start calculating the calories incurred during this two weeks of choc-binge-amania and start subtracting it off by exercising..i wonder if it still works...
and i miss dancing...*boohoo*
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
Okay here goes...
following will be about class gathering..
ANd i had to blog it at my blog cause the class blog's dead + i dun have the account to it..
bleahs but anw....
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
Okay chronic mugg-ness will start officially as of 15th February 2008!!
And i woke up late again for my own mugging session today..
and i could continue reading my storybook and got glued to it before i realise it was 10.30am..
a rush to the toilet was followed after that..
and i thot my mugging plan was feasible..bleahs..
a peek to my mugging plan:
Wake up at 5am to mug..
bathe by 9am
get out of the house by 10.3oam or 11am latest
hit down to esplanade library to mug alone unless theres company
get my brunch midway if im hungry
leave the area by 6pm latest
head home for my 7pm chinese drama
bathe eat and stuffs
Continue mugging for awhile
Bunk in by 10.30pm
(i've calculated that i will have at least 6 hours of sleep)
and wake up again by 5am
thats a total of approx. 11-12hours of mugging.
and thats like half a day gone to studying..
(PS:I know that quality is more impt than quantity)
I have a big problem with my sleeping pattern these days..
#1 I cant hit the bed and sleep and 10.30pm.
(usually i'll be able to sleep any time i wanted to)
#2 And when i finally fall will be already 2am
#3 I cant adhere to my own timetable of waking up at 5 in the morning
So right now i'll go back to mugging till the wee hours and forget all about sleeping at 10.30pm and waking up at 5am..
and the rest of it will stick to my mugging plan
and tomorrow's the commencement of my first paper
or shall i say our valentine's date with bernard at the exam hall..
wish me luck!I'll be on hibernating mode for at least a week...
following is dedicated to fellow 0614-ians and those celebrating Valentine's day!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
I woke up and did the chores before hitting to city hall alone...
Main purpose was to mugg until im satisfied but
somehow my gastric juices started churning while i was in the bus..
so fiddled with the idea of eating down at marina square food loft..
so...lalala i walk past the elevator to esplanade and head up to marina sq..
trying to avoid the lunch crowd..
the place was pretty empty..but not so..
and i was kinda lucky cuz the lunch crowd wasnt there yet...
so eyed a cosy spot for my own..
made my way to my spot..
as i made my way there i saw tissue packets on the table..
thought that ppl might have forgotten to get it after eating..
so got my seat..
put my bag and my martini down..
got myself a drink..and bought my favourite QiJi popiah..
(btw the popiah there is going to hike up their prices by ten cents or two by 18th feb..haha)
I settled down after getting my food and drink..
reading "Manner of Death" while enjoying my food..
as the crowd progresses...the place got stuffed up with ppl...
and then i saw this Jap girl with her food finding no seats..
was wondering if she gonna approach me to seat with me since i had available seats..
and then i overheard the convo of this man selling Indo food
"Hey got free tissue!!"
ANd boy was i DISGUSTED when i saw these ppl (Singaporeans to say...)
"Chopping" their seats with packs of tissue paper..
there were 6 there was 6 tissue paper pkts thrown on the table..
like wadtha...and this Jap girl and her friend was sharing table with me..
and i am a SINGAPOREAN..
i feel like digging up a hole and hide my face lar!!
such a disgrace shown to the foreigners..
i felt like going up to that table to get a tissue pack for myself..
or maybe next time if i wanted to book the whole marina food loft i shall put a BIG TOILET ROLL at the entrance of marina food loft..
so nobody could enter..
And I think the aunties and uncles selling tissue paper should hike up
the prices of tissue since there are many uses of tissue pack including chopping seats..
and i left shortly after..
(matter of fact i should have gone to the table over there to get some tissue..haks!)
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
im distracted..
i cant consistently mug..
but i know im mugging though the amount of mugging does not suffice..
im tempted to read my books instead..
okay at least finish my current book..
i have one more left untouched..havent started reading yet..
and i saw two more books at the community library that tempt me..
and yea its goin under the scanner for me to borrow..
but exams in a few more days dammit!!
and community library's due date is much faster than the school's
and fudge shucks!...i havent started or not in the mood to do my routine chronic mugging till wee hours..
ive to either wake up NOW or start crying later..
man am i in deep shit!!
CNY is great!!
learnt to play mahjong with poh and her brother...
and i wanna play again..
but no i dun gamble..
cant wait to play again..
and i won twice...
first as a tag team with mimi..
next as a solo...
phiwit!!good for a beginner liaoz..
oh holla..i'll be back someday..
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
Coming to exams period..
(and i know i should be mugging rite now..but...
I began to write letters to my very lecturers..
and so are the following
Lab/skills lecturer
Dear Ibrahim,
My "father" took us first for lab this semester..And i never failed to sing the song for you.."father abraham had 7 children...lalala" .Your lessons have been FUN and crazy...ANd i miss ur centre-parting hairstyle..(hurhurhur*ibrahim style*)The way u deliver ur lessons and ur unique way of instilling confidence in us by saying ..."chey!A1 arh....." ANd hey presto!..i didnt even noe u happen to be one of the managers until i went to ur office to look for you rgd skills tt matter...sheesh!But holla...You've been a great lecturer who didnt like failing students..and always side us students..hope to get ya again next sem..tho i would like if you had change ur hairstyle...hehe..And yea...oh thx for calling my!
p/S: CHer!Poh had nightmares cause of your laughter..can u not do it anymore..may traumatise students..hurhurhur*ibrahim style*
Dear Caroline,
thx for ur skills knowledge tho you could be a lil better by not always asking me to share my jokes whenever i laugh in class..sometimes laughter not supposed to be shared with the WHOLE class y'know..but anw thx..thx for helping us cancel some irrelevant lectures..thou SBL had to be shifted at 8am..bleahs..but anw thx again!
Dear Elizabeth tt P/T nite lecturer,
You've been nice to help me insert NGT into me during skills..and i thank you for tt opportunity..though at first you thought i was joking.haha i wasnt okay..ANd hey!!i saw u in ward when your friend was admitted in the ward coincidentally having NGT also..hehe small world...and im glad tt u placed ur confidence in me to care for ur friend..The trust u gave me was great..and i appreciate it alot..
Dear Jancy,
I got nothing much to say to you..but thanks for talking alot to us ..haha esp when u shared with me your working experience..
and i thx u for cancellin our last 6-8pm lab ya for tt..hehe!
Dear Trina,
Haha i like the way u did not bother the fact tt u are vertically challenged..haha you have this exact resemblance to my Pure geog teacher back in my sec skul..and just like have this loud(and i really mean LOUD) are very chatty..
and neva fail to make poh and molly jealous cuz of the fact tt you SHARE the same office as ANDY ONG!!haha..
and oh ya...sorry for not paying attention during ur lectures and therefore left me clueless on how to go abt studying ur module..
Dear June,
i must say tt you have been rather dry...okay lar...u teach behaviour modification..ala...straight to the point...(take a deep breath..)
The module is boring..
ehk NO NO NO!!Dun reinforce me on my studying...
okay wait...DON't analyse my behaviour...
no don't use frequency and duration...
WAIT!DON't try to modify my behaviour..
okay cher..u see it for urself ...ive been mugging ur module..haha!
okay gimme an A will ya..?
Dear Kathleen,
i like u personally for being uber friendly..i simply love the comments tt u gave for the ICAs..but cher ..ur module....
how to study sia....Chicken McDodol!!looks easy...but 15mcqs only..teach me a way to study for ur module without cramming my head with so much info and still pass ur sections...I think i need to calculate the probability..hehe...
and anw..happy delivery to ur newborn soon yea!
O-wim o-weh O-wim the jungle the mighty jungle...lalala...i loved ur lectures BEST!!the endings of lectures with funny pictures tt we could get from junk mails from friends are always broadcasted after every lecture...
i loved the last lect where u showcased it WITH the song(o-wim o-weh o-wim o-weh...) matter how ur R's and S's interfere with my understanding(kidding lar...)...YOUR STILL THE BEST...wakakaka!!
CCB,(its not an expletive...its the initials of my lecturer..really!)
you've been nice..but i wish you were more prepared for our tutorials...bleahs..
Dr param,
hey cher!thx for all the bio stuffs and all..its been great studying bio...and im aiming real high since its the last lecture...
the animations help in our understanding of processes and bio tt matters...but it could help if you had not repeated it many many times.
But i love the fact tt u keep giving us breaks...and your "do you understand...?" "let me repeat again arh..." and ur most favourited line whenever we don't response "I know its so early in the morning and the brain is not functioning well" or "i think u just came back from ur lunch and all the blood is directed to your stomach and so not much is in the brain,,,bla bla bla"
and yea..i will rmb you for always asking me and my group to keep quiet during lectures..haha!!
Mental health
haha i love the way u urself became involved in acting mentally ill...Goin teh teh teh(action goes:squeezing breasts)making us freak out...i love the way u put ur words..and ur multi analogies...and for tt i cant wait for IMH anw...after so much u have done...I aint sure how to go abt studying for ur exams..aiya..all common sense...sheesh..i wonder how to score...bleahs...but anw cya in next sem as our skills lec..but hope u dun go teh teh teh!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
oh i loved ystd!!I loved the fact that i kept to my promise to meet up with bestie by this month..
and bestie was nice to accomodate to my pizza hut craving..
bestie said that it was like a scene in bachelorette..
in pizza hut..while the 2 guys(my bestie and rizal) sat in front of me..
trying to impress me..
just that i didnt wear a dress..haha i never would unless situation calls for it..
and so we went pizza hut..and i sat at the sofa-ed area while they sat on chairs in front of me..
gentlemen's act...and i never expected that..
bestie was speaking in english..??!!haha with a slang..
so they took 15-20 mins to squabble over what to eat...
i was like watching a comedy by them lar..haha..
rizal treated us to swensen's fondue straight after our pizza hut dinner..
i could go on and on their childish and kecoh-ness..
but naahs i wouldnt..
nicest moments are meant to be kept in memories..hehe
and so will now wait for bestie's treat soon!
and bestie has grown!!!his muscles are BIG now!!k not that big but...
just nice lar..
and he doesnt exercise but he got a great body..
if only he wore a tight tee..i tell u i will melt sia...
ahaks..kidding lar..
n rizal was jealous when i said that..wakaka
hehe..but rizal has abs tho..not that ive seen but yea..
i give them credit for being so gentlemen towards me..haha..
Simulation based training was FUN!!!
members were khair as the night nurse
me and poh ad morning nurse
pan shuang as wife
it was okay..
though my self expectation was higher...
and it could help if i had not wasted time standing with the mannequin..
stupid manequine cough and cough before report was over..
haha..but the class thought me and poh did pretty well...okay some actually came up to us and said tt..
since both of us were the main actress..
but hey...honestly tt wasnt my standard..
but anw the experience was a great one...
and there were funny moments when poh kept coming to me to show me stuffs...
and i tell you...
i wasnt even paying attention to her but kept nodding..
and i tink my looks made her wanna laugh too...
cuz...its like me...engrossed in aspirating..
and poh keep showing me paper...iv drip...
try imagine a lil girl coming up to her daddy who is reading newspaper just to show sweets..
(and i wanted to laugh when i was in maintain professionalism)
lol!!its a great experience...and i lurve it....hahaha!!!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd