Im just bored..
I cant wait for presentations to end..
we'll have a mini celebration..
and then head back to books..
I cant wait for thurs to start and end...
we'll go all out for a presentation and then end the day sweet...
I simply cant wait...
im a lil cranky these days
and ive been eating too much...
too much chocolates
increase my endorphins...
make me high
but im down...
lets just start it this week....
i was cranky and cranky and irritated and down and F***ed up...
im having a bloody attitude that S***ed big time...
and i swear shitts that ive been controlling my damn thing...
and tt it doesnt really show...and im goin on and on how fed up im feeling...
and its a conflict within my damn shitty brain which i hope will stop soon...
cuz im goin bonkers any moment!!
I told you it was the hormones!
and anyway..thx to zul for this msg tt i got earlier!!
share with ppl who feel F***ed up too like i do..
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
My zits are making its grand appearance on the flawless skin of mine..
now it seems like hills on the plains..
i dun mind having these red volcanoes on my skin..
But i do get annoyed when these zits are painful
whenever i try to fiddle my fringe that is...
ANd so what's the reason for my zits making a grand entrance like now??
firstly,its cause of my monthly period which is due and out..
secondly,due to the coming exams..
okay let's talk about periods aites??
and i mean those menses..yes the blood that oozes out of the you-know..
i still...(after 5 years or so of menstruating..i ges) do not know how to calculate the period cycle..
(okay..damn!!im thinking of zul's entry on calculation..haha)
but anyway...its stupid cause ive learnt it during my sec skul days..was it in sec 2??
and i had to learn the detailed version in poly..repetition u might say..
but i never did apply it to my life..
NEVER! until last year a few months back where i realise my menses was abit too early..
okay i cant say that it was too early(for i dun count it) just doesnt feel right..
usually i would compare with my friends..cuz ours is quite near..
and i aint sure whether mine is a 25days cycle or a 28..
but anyway its impt to know...
not just to determine whether ur pregnant or not(eh this i noe how to count..haha)
but its impt so tt:
you know when to have sex in order not to get pregnant..
you know whether u will have difficulties in conceiving...
you will know if u have girls problem..
andso the importance of me knowing(my period cycle)
is so that i will know if or whether anot i have difficulties conceiving in future..
(not that i have engaged in sexual activity or what..I never and have yet to and will only do when i get married)
...but i wan kids in the own kids..hehe
i love kids..ehk but thats future planning laa...
but i aint yet wanna settle down...(thats another topic all over)
so after yakking away of not knowing how to calculate my cycle..
I still do not know how to...boohoo!!
and waiting to count the cycle is irritating cuz its over months to observe...
but there's a website that i found that will help me..
yahoo-ed it and found..and i cant put the url over here..
cuz that would mean that ive to go to tt page and cut and paste the url over
and i dun wanna do that
cuz beside me there's two guys who can see my screen..
i dun mind if they were my friends..
but they are bleahs..
so periods are troublesome nonetheless..
causes more japan flags to be created..if u get what i mean...
and oh i had friends who are afraid to buy pads in school..
you know my school bookshop sells this pkt of pads in case girls have it like out of the blue..
(if it was back at my sec skul..theres a vending machine selling it in the toilet itself)
im not promoting but
it sells at 1 dollar per pack of 2 and its of good quality..
i had friends who actually pass me her wallet and ask me to get it..
and she stood like away from me
and i actually just shouted over to her
"ehk XXX is this the one u wanted??"
i tell u d scene was hilarious..and got me laughing out loud..
but seriously whats there to be embarrassed abt?
guys do know that girls have period don't they..
well this is a thing that ive yet to find out..
and oh yea...
i had guy friends who ask me things abt menses like:
"when the blood come out u can feel meh??"
"how u wear a pad?"
"how come sometimes pain one?"
"how come sometimes the blood will stain ur pants or skirts?"
and so my answer would be...
of cuz can feel the blood oozing out lar..especially if blots of it come out..
but sometimes u dun feel it lar..
pain is our uterus got this mini elves shredding our uterus lining *makes the shredding effect*
imagine like ur uterus is a factory and there's alot of this mini elves..of cuz got pain...
wearing a pad:like tt lor..
staining of skirts or pants: because the pad is soaked and give way or amybe didnt use pad correctly..
oh freak i cant believe my entry is so bloody...
bleahs...thats it..!
im off to watch FUNKAMANIA on youtube!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
i missed funkamania today..
and i traded today for a girls outing with momma and sis
been long since i spent time with them..
went to the neighbourhood shopping ctr down at parkway..
went to get one-month supply of groceries..
the only shopping that i do without feeling guilty of splurging..
hey why should i feel guilty...
if i dun splurge on the groceries...
i wouldnt have to munch munch when im bored at home..
bt surprisingly some of the items i asked my mum(but she didnt!) to buy was
a bottle of dettol to mop the floor..
a new mop...
haha okay crap..i was thinkin more on the housework la...
but anyway,we were strolling in the huge Giant store(and that's how they get the name right?)
me pushing the shopping cart..
and hey there was this booksale..!!
that's selling books at less than 15bucks!!and that's quite a bargain..
i saw "tuesdays with morries"..was tempted to just shove it to the shoppin cart..
but naahs..the shopping cart was still empty
and if mum saw it she sure gonna nag at me..
so continued dragging my feet...
we basically toured the whole Giant..
and then there was this sudden crowd that streamed in..
and i particularly don't like crowds in Giant..
with their shopping carts and mine..
sure was squeezy enuff...
and ya the commotion was abt this charity thing going on..
and there were these ch8 actors and actresses..
i saw terence cao,thomas,pierre png and his wife...and whoever there were..
thomas was damn tall was terence...
but bleahs i couldnt be much bothered..
partly cuz of my irritating big cart..
and also because i was still thinking of what stuffs to bring down from the shelves...
so i got......
5 oranges(im really addicted to oranges)
3 kinder bueno bar
1 kinder bueno the milk bar
a new hair product
BBQ sauce
a small divided container specially for my lingeries..hehs
oyster mushroom
huge box of cereal
2boxes of milk
ehk i cant really rmb wat else did i put in the shopping cart
cuz i was happily just dumping what i want in the cart..
oh man!!!i forgot to get the pads!!dammit!!
and sis currently using wings which i dun like!!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
heys...finally end of the week...
2weeks and 6days down to exams..
i must say im looking forward to it..
tho ive yet to hit the books..
but im pretty sure that i'll hit down to esplanade library to mug in the day..
and have my special diet for exams...
or should i say my exams booster at LJS..
been long since ive hit LJS(long john silver in case y'all dunno..hehe)
so if y'all need company or need a study buddy..can jus find me there..
and yea i'll be there alone tho..
and im usually at the dance section or the mini dance studio
where there's a TV showcasing dance or arts stuffs..
and i'll be there only on weekdays..
do beep me first yea..
1st week of school has been FUN!!as usual...
the first day had intentions to skip first lecture..
however i woke up late..and then decided not to rush for school..
and i aint gonna spend my bucks on cab!!
called molly and apparently she was on the verge of being late
and if she's lucky she will reach on the dot..
so i had my time to bathe and stuffs...
and she called me up again(after asking someone abt lec)
to say that there wasn't any morning lecture as reflected on our timetable.. i prolly had the picture of my classmates going skul for nothing..
and so i didnt really SKIP lecture but there wasnt any lecture to begin with..
i dun really wanna blog on my daily skul events...
cuz there's just topo much happenings going on...
and i dunno where to start..
but anyway!!!
I SAW NAZRI aka SEXYBACK aka CHEEKY MONKEY back in ward 76..
and i tell u i was being damn playful can...
i shant leak out my childish antics or pranks i played on him... anw eventually i said hi to him..haha
and i saw BOTH OF THEM the FIRST thing when i went to skul on the first day..
and i was making the hell out of it..
i saw haizad like 4 out of 5 days i was in skul..
and tt haizad was being
hehe i knew my presence was being acknowledge by him today..
phiwit!!and none of the girls was with they missed out the fun...
bt i aint going crazy over him ady..sheesh...
bt his chest damn turn on can??!!
(okay shuddup rab!)
so today is officially the day i skipped my lecture...
tt CCB's lecture..(ehk wait tt CCB aint supposed to be a vulgar..its the name of a lecturer..hehe)
and had 6 HOURS OF BREAK!!
in which i went to my aunt's hse to eat and sleep and read book...hee!!
and still i was late for lab at 6pm...
and i DRAGGED mimi to have the pleasure of having the GRAND ENTRANCE WITH ME..
and btw we couldnt get into our lab class cuz d door was alrd locked and we didnt had lanyards with us...
and so called poh to get out the class to open the door for us...
damn cock arh...
but anw..
we weren't late
really we weren't late but the class was early...
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
and i said i wanted to blog abt my attachie..
i wished i could go back on my words..
cuz i got alot of things to say and type abt..
and i think thats y god gave me an ulcer under my tongue at the very end..
(pardon my grammar)
and i cant really phone calls for me this few days...
at least today okay..
else u hear a cacat(disabled) girl talking..hehe
alrite my attachie has been nevertheless interesting..
its fun...
its great..
its awesome...
its damn happening...
its crazy...
its awesome...
i nonetheless got to cover and take responsibilty as a junior nurse...
like finally i got a "bla bla bla....confident...bla bla bla"
and i like!!~
so i hope my chances are higher for a better grade.. studious can i be..keep asking for higher grade..
and i miss my patients...
my oatients are my fighters..
and i respect them
i miss the PCAs
the PRCPs..
the staff nurses...
my patients were touching...
telling me to study hard and wished me all the best..
seriously my main objective of being confident was fulfilled..
my sub objective of ability to communicate well with patient was oso fulfilled..
i am very satisfied with this posting..
yikes i supposed tts it tt im updating abt my attachie...
the point is I LOVE ATTACHIE!!
alrite..its freaky tt ive been seeing alot of my old time friends...
i saw quite a number ady..
and for this week tt just passed..i saw zahrina!!
i met her in the bus..and we sure did had alot of chatting up..
(and can somebody really slap me??!!cuz i forgot to ask for her number!!)
i miss her and those old days..i miss her lil sis which is now ady in pri skul..
i miss those after skul days where we always slack ard..
oh yea not forgetting that i saw elfian and zul tt mat!!HAHAHA
oh wells i end dis post which was due for quite a while ady!!!
wait up for my next entry..hehe
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
okay..finally end of attachment...(err..i duno to be hapopy or sad..)
which means have to go back skul..
and you should see how much i didnt want to leave the ward just now..
no more more more nursing care...
and so i was in poh's cubicle..
B****ing abt this SN lar who scolded poh for no reason..
nt really raise her voice..
when it wasnt even her fault..
so we had this potter(if that's wat u call them)
who wanted to fetch this patient down for radiotherapy.
but this SN (who have yet to pass her probation period after 6mths)
forgot to give her some drip or whatever thru her CVC line.
AND she JUST wanted to do it when potter has alrd put her on the wheelchair..
(oh pt was pt is like our friend like tt tho)
So after waiting for nearly half an hour she still have yet to finish her thing..
the potter even had enough time to go toilet and come back..
so the potter was quite fed up and wanted to fetch next pt beside the current pt..
So we help the potter to transfer the other pt from bed to trolley..
poh just happen to remove the chair that was stuck in between the curtain
like wadtha..poh didnt even have the intention to look at the procedure..
and the pt anyway didnt mind having us in the cubicle IF we had wanted
(which we didnt even have any intention to) to see the procedure..
PMS sia..haha but anw, me poh and dis ITE student were b****ing abt her in the same cubicle where she was..
when suddenly something happen!!!
A doctor(which happen to be POH'S happening!) came up from the curtain behind me..
in case u have no idea what dis doc is like
-he is cute(according to poh)
-he has a sexayye voice which i totalley agree
-he got a damn nice complexion...
-and i like his skin abit tan..
-he's kinda mute cuz he dun talk much!
-he got this spikes tt i like...
Dr: Can you help me suck out?"
me: (in thoughts) finally he open his mouth but wait a min!!SUCK OUT??!!WADTHA??!this dr sure daring eh....
And i went in the curtain cuz i happen to be heart was beating fast tho..
Dr: Can you help me S U C K OUT once i put the butterfly in??
me: err okay..(chey...)
i stood behind him..and i literally pinched my nose and controlled my laughter..
when POH CAME IN!!
i let out a lil giggle with his "S U C K OUT" thang...and finally control it (my laughter)
else i cant concentrate S U C K -ING the thang(with a syringe tho)haha!!
so anyway.. he poked the pt..and i had to suck out the bld for him..
kuku sia.. i was damn high can!!like argh.......
i tell you..with poh around i cant concentrate..later she jealous lehs...
haha so i went beside him..and was very very very close to him..
(poh,got touch each other leh) he got this very nice perfume smell lar...
suck,suck,suck...haha and s u c k-ing 10mls of bld was rather slow..
i pretty much enjoyed standing beside him..make my adrenaline work up..
my pulse rate was 150 sia...VERY STRONG!!haha
if anything would happen to my heart dysfunctioning at tt moment of time,he have to do CPR..haha
ehk or mayb i should have gone hypo at tt point of time and faint..lalalala
and poh was there watching!!!haha it was A THREESOME SIA...
but lucky poh was there else things would get soooooo out of hand..
and dats it..poh was sent out to despatch the blood culture instead..WAKAKAKA!!!
cuz he only want me to be in the curtain with him!!haha!!
and he passed me the plaster to put on for the pt..
so cute..and he said"thx for your help..." in tt low sexayye voice of his..
and poh wasnt there!!hahaha!!!
a scene of taking blood gone wrong..
good happening at the end of attachment though!!
shall update on the weeks attachie at a later date!
Labels: cheeky
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
Labels: bring me back down
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
aites a continuation of entry...
attachie has been pretty least for the week that has just past.
like hey i was pretty self directed in getting things done..
tho i
but as the week wasnt that much of a difficult..
i must say that dis time round i feel a lil bit more confident..
i get to take para,serve meds,do basic care,NGT feeding,hypocount..
this ward is much more to practising ur basic care.
ehk i cant rmb what else i did..
but anw,
and it totalley rawk when the patient said i pass when giving her injection
patient didnt feel much of a pain..lalala...
the staffs there are so far so nice...
they will give u opportunities as long as u ask for it..
SN goh is pretty nice and she teaches u alot..
she will just come talk to you...
and the next thing you know is tt hey she's actually teaching you
SN lu ling is nice too..she will let u do the skills that u want to do..
she will give responsibilty to students to have a feel of what a junior nurse is like..
SN jessica..ehk she's fun.she is approachable and will teach you things..
but she's PRCP-ing a yea...
the ENs damn kecohrable...
they are super duper friendly..and practically like ur friends..
they teach you stuffs like shift I/O which i think we wasnt taught.
and i especially like EN Siti..she teach u alot of things..
and one of the lamest there too...
haha here's an exchange...
that ward lost "something"
SN:eh you know who is good at finding things anot?Ask them find lehs.
EN Siti:(she was thinking hard) eh i think i know who...
me:(thinks it was for real)
EN Siti: The CID.(she turns to me)right?
and i started laughing out loud lor!!
there are many incidents tt got me laughing lar..
and the sisters were pretty friendly just like ward 47 afro hair sister..
and oh ya,if back then in 76 i was the one who keep laughing at the staffs..
this time round the staffs keep laughing at me sia...
like wadtha..
haha cuz everytime they ask for help i'll be the first to go..
karma in a good way...
OOh i did last office on Friday afternoon..2hours after pt death.. like wadtha!!
the body had stiffened till we had to cut the clothes..
not my patient somemore..
but CI told me to guide the the students since i ever did it before back in 63C...
i S*** at it cuz i forgot to bring a few things..
attachie w/o the PPG is weird..
we used to work tgt systematically.
help each other cover one another..
but now im alone with my friend and this ITE student..
communication is the most essential thing..
and recently my friend was feeling very lousy..
and i got to know when she started to break down dunring last office..
which i thought was weird cuz we didnt had any contact with this patient before..
and then i realise tt she wasn't really confident in doing things..
she had a number of things tt happened to her during the attachment..
which i cant share with you all..
but anw,she confided in me...
and i part of my classmate and colleague in this attachment..
i will help her go thru the remaining 5 days smoothly..i hope..
not tt im good but i dun wan her to feel lousy andi want her to enjoy nursing in the long run...
aites tt's abt it for attachie..i like and i love and i hope i dun have to be assessed by the CI...
i badly have two meetups that have to be fulfilled this month..
and yap's outing this Saturday..i'll prolly skip it..sorry gals..
firstly bestie!!
i owe bestie an outing since last year after his o's which have yet to be carried out.
i got a msg from bestie last saturday asking me out..
but i had projects..i badly wanted to skip project to meet him..but i really couldnt..
and anw project ended pretty late like 10pm?
he wasnt quite happy and i promised bestie to meet up by this month..
and i die die have to meet him before his results..before he gets busy again..
and i miss bestie alot alot...
Bob is the next..
he's back in spore till 31st..
and he got me SWISS CHOCS!!
which i truly appreciate..
but he'l be busy till 20th.
just nice after attachment..
i can meet him up soon...
and i badly am scrimping for this two MEET UPS!!..
NOT FORGETTING MUM's birthday up at the end of the month...
i'll be pretty broke by end of month..
and i have more to update!!but i ges tt will be next time...
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
hey im back im back!!and i've thousand and one things to say...
i got stories to share...
i want someone to talk to to share my joys with me...
listen to my perceptions..
but hey i guess thats what a blog has for me to do..
(i tell u i've been rather talkative lately so bear with me)
okay left with one week of attachment to enjoy
well should i be happy or sad??
i aint sure where to start....
okay here goes
I'm pretty much happy with the start of the year..
at least for theses few weeks..
ive met ppl that ive not been meeting up for quite sometime ...
and here's the list(its not according to any favouritism or whatnots)
EN Rekha-my nicest EN so far.she's nice and pleasant to work with
and she was all hysterical when she saw me..
I randomly asked if she had gotten married.
cuz she said she was getting married when i was back then at tt ward last year.
and she said yea.and she got TWO GOOD NEWS for me!!
First:She's pregnant
Second:She's gonna be promoted to SN soon!!
so cool!!i feel very happy for her.
SSN getha(or previously was my CI)
she's no longer a CI cuz of some probs tt she told us.
and she's pregnant too.3rd trimester.
she's now at my current ward.
i just saw him today at my area there...
was shocked to see him lar!!
my beloved cute sweety pity ah beng bro!!long time since i saw him...
and you know when i saw his face with his smile so big..
ehs been a long time seen i went screaming in public when i saw my long time buddy!!
urh!!love him love him love him!!
and his hair is shorter now..serving his NS..
lalalala..and iwas too happy seeing him tt i forgot to ask for his number..haha!
i saw two of my primary skul friends in the bus otw home just now...
Rohaizal and whats tt guy name again.. they were sitting behing me.
rohaizal was sitting in front of me and my tt pri skul friend called him to sit himbehind...
and this pri skul friend of mine played a trick on rohaizal.
he dared rohaizal to make friends with me.
but i could hear their conversation tt i nearly wanted to LOL literally..
so my friend tap my shoulder and say he wants to know me..lalala...
i turn behind and saw rohaizal using the back of the chair to hide his face..
like literally take cover...
AND I LOL straight!!
he was like,"ehk takde takde, dier main main jek.dier nak kenal kenal,"
and my friend and i was laughin away..and so i had a quite an exchange with them
damn rohaizal is pretty tall and muscular..
(and yes *slaps me* i forgot again to ask for contacts..i pretty do get haywired when im excited)
and oh not forgetting
we met up with him during our attachment..
and went dinner with him
and he waited for me to go home tgt!!lalala! it love it..
Look-alikes and cutie pies!
attachment made me saw alot alot of look alikes
i saw MA ZZ look alike in the ward tt im currently posted to.
but MA ZZ is better lookin..nt tt ive anything for him or wat..
and i practically laugh my head off when i saw him (the clone)..
and so for this past few days. he has beenwalking past me..
avoiding eye contact.
and when he finally did!!i tot it was stupid and cute in a way..
he didnt noe the central prep rm code..
apparently i was the only one there..
and he knocked and looked at me with some hand gestures..
y'know he looke like what... i show u...

haha and i open the door and start laughing away..
he smile and paiseh!!
but at least he say thx...and he dun think twice in being a gentleman..haha
unlike ma zz at first impression dustbin incident)
i saw chicken lil look alike when i was otw home with yap.
yap went to our ward to wait for me.
and den whenwe were at the lobby..
i saw this guy tt went out of satelitte pharmacy
my heart go pom pom pom sia...tot it was him cuz wearing SGH uniform
he had a goatee,tan skin. and aplastic frame specs
but couldnt be ma...
i was distracted talking to yap...
but one thing confirm tt it wasnt him..
this guy is tall!!
but i tink chicken lil look better though..cuz he's goatee was better kept then the look alike...
the cutie pies
apparently my ward have not been mucha happening..
there's a cute doctor for poh's eyes to feast on
there's ma zz clone who( coincidentally same shift with me most of the time to make me laugh at his silly stuffs..
there's two PRCP students tt i met this week tt was pretty cute..
one is tall and the other shorter(yea thx molly for reminding me...)
and thx yap cuz he know the shorter guy name..
oh he always wear yellow shirt in school..
there's this short ite student who's quite good looking..haha
AND Oh ya...there's this nyp guy tt i met just now otw to skul which i tot was pretty cute from side view..
and i never got to see his front profile though he walked just behind me to skul..
lalala...feasing on cutie pies and look alikes to make my days happening
and i shall continue updating tmr....
lalala...those who know me will me better ba...
till tmr
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
I was on my way to work(attachie this morning)..
with Dan and Young as my morning company..
and as i strolled down the road to the bus stop..
i realised that there were quite a number of NS guys around my area..
never seen these dudes(men in green..hehe) around my area before.
but anyhow..
i was thinking about why the need of the 2 years "imprisonment"
yaya..u might say"go refer to your social studies or whatnots back in secondary school"
but 2yrs..may seem short or long..
depending on individual...
and not forgetting the reservice once in a while...
so guys have to serve the country...
and coincindentally enough i heard on air bout this girl who is joining the army..
like wow..haha i never would want to.and never had girlfriends who does tt too..
unique is what i would call them..
so a stupid idea came to my mind...
why don't girls have a 2yr HS.
Husband service.(serve the husband..then??)
as i would call it...
a preparation to be a housewife..
not that i would want too..but its beneficial..
let's see:
You will get to learn:
how to cook,bake cupcakes,cookies etc
how to put on make-up
codes on etiquette and dining habits..
tips on how to dress up well even though ur a housewife
lobangs for spas and facials
art of manicure and pedicure..(oh i once thot pedicure was for dogs..haha)
the art of seducing ur man during those nights tt u need extra love..hehe..
how to do your housework..
how to get away from ur husband for a cuppa *****ing with ur girls...
where and how to source for a good honeymoon and holiday trips..
and the list go on...
and i pretty sure alot of the girls would sure need to learn those essentials...
and 2years aint enuff...y'know when girls get tgt..
hey budden again...
there will be risks involves..
like catfight..B****fit
and what nots...
eh seriously crapping around..but sheesh..
why must wives serve their husbands...
this i totally don't agree...
okay scrap my idea...*jeer*
and btw tt ah ma was happy to go home...
i had to sincere thx from my pts..
love attachment...
and bestie!!i love you alot alot alot alot..!!hehe..
Labels: sexism
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
WOOH!!say wooh!!!
how's ppl up for 2008??
i hope y'all had fun...
well me??
i got my wish of watching the fireworks by the bay...
the counting down of the many many sardine and tuna packed SINGAPOREANS
the time where i can shout out really loud without being embarrassed with the rest..
the shout of all the troubles and downs tt 2007 had for me..
it was all relieved...
and then the scream of the unity of SINGAPOREANS g"5,4,3,2....1"...
the euphoria of the crowd..
it got ma adrenaline pumping..
the moments when the fireworks just go BOOM BOOM BOOM...
i screamed like nobody's business...
the adrenaline just shot up...
i felt like a little girl enjoying the fireworks innocently...
as the first BOOM came...i made a wish....
i didnt noe what i wished for..but i know i made a wish..haha...
almost everybody tt i know of has resolutions
i never rmb i did...
not for 2008...
But today attachment at 48...made me wanna quote the CI's
"my new year resolution is to find a resolution"
ehk how true...haha...
okays so....
today had attachment at 48..
pretty nice ward..
just tt it was all PINK!! girly...
and if i were a guy i wudnt want to be admitted to tt ward...
surprisingly the nurses still wore green uniforms..
im so into SGH current green uniform..
reached pretty early...
called mimi and she tgt with poh was just along the vicinitiy
so waited for her awhile..and went tgt...
Weird!..i had this jittery feeling as i was going to the ward..
i feel excited...i feel scared...i feel aargh.....hehe...
and oh ya..goin to attachie this days are fun cuz i've had my phone for company..lalala
Reached ward with poh..
(and btw i loved the gift that she got for me at genting...LOVES!)
signed in...
my first impression..
eww...PINK!!at least white would be better..or orange...
went to tutorial room...
eh..familiar faces i thot..
tt was the sister or was it a staff at obs ward in SGH...
okay so waited and waited....
and den theres this man..(which was my CI for this week only..)
he came in..and i was eh...
i know something which y'all dunno...
look at his name tag...
nickie signalled to me..
i told poh..
we three got laughing..
so he talk and talk..
and i was giggling away...
he is somewhat a resemblance of SSN ismail..
when he talk 70% u cant believe...
30% die die have to believe...
and he introduced himself like TWICE!!!
exhibit his own profile...
he asked for ivana's name THRICE!!!
he keep forgetting what he said...
i was doing controlled laughter...
UNTIL when he was asking for my name tt i cudnt stop laughing..
and he had to ask again...
and mayn was he the first to pronounce my whole full long name...
he and his silly jokes...ehk lame as quoted by nickie..
and this person tt ive been talking all along is MIMI"S UNCLE!!
LIKE WTH!!haha..
but he sure is fun person..
okay..more updates of my today attachie will prolly be up soon...but not today..
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd