hooray!!done with shopping for chalet stuff with PPGirs+may...
at EAST SIDE!!!WEE...i was supposed to ba the host for east side but turn up late...
sorry girls!!hehe....n molly brought ainul lovey dovey...
shoooo damn cute cann!!!hehe and we did hi 5s with her...antony style...
love catching up with the girls...gonna have more tmr..wowee!!!
love love love.....
okay so im left with sending the container so the auntie can gimme the sataty gravy in the container tmr...
n buying of marshmallows plus fruits...BANANA...
i heard over the radio at 98.7FM...it says ur supposed to replace every vulgar word with banana...
Banana you!!!lol!!
went to CX blog cuz wanna find out abt the horoscope tingy....
hehe...since me n cx of the same horoscope..
and according to mimi and may...both of us love to sleep....
which is true....hehe
okays enjoy....the ones in the bracket is my opinion larr...
A good looking woman with brains, a very interesting person.
(how true...haha...kidding...)
She has a fast movement and she could not sit still or stand still long. !!!!!
(very true...i can neva sit or stand still for long..)
She is able to do many things at the same time and do it fast.
(err...multi tasking??maybe lorr....haha..)
If you date her, you will feel like dating many women at the same time.
(eei!!!might as well dun date me!!!)
You can not tie her down with the word "Love" because she cares about love but is it not a major factor of her life.
(no comment)
You have to be able to adjust yourself to get along with her many different characters.
(haha...err..quite true..)
She is a dreamer and has many dreams.
(VERY TRUE!!even my mum noes i love to day dream..)
She eager to learn something new all the time.
Even she is the 2 in 1 mixed character type, she is quite lucky in love.
(really meh??)
You have to put all your efforts to win her affection.
(haha not true lor....but the more the effort...the better ur chances..lol!!)
Even when she likes you and wonder about your wit, she will also see and inspect your bad side at the same time, because it is in her nature. !!!!!!
She able to keep all kinds of mixed emotions without annoying you or letting you know at all.
(yar....very true..maybe this is the multitasking part...)
She can cheer you up by acting like a free little bird. !!!!!!
(i am a free bird..hehe...i dun let my feelings bother u de...)
Her conversation will not bored you.
She able to talk to you in any subjects.
She can make you feel like you are the luckiest man alive. --
She can make you feel like she needs all your care, but once she needs to stand alone, she can stand alone firmly an comfortably. !!!!!!
She can be your best buddy and talk to you about anything. !!!!!!
She can join all your activities with the same energy that you have.
She is a quick wit person and learn new things very fast.
She can see your projects and she can give you good advice.
If she thinks you are not sure that you want her for yourself, she will act like your best friend only, a cool woman. !!!!!!!
She can easily make a guy fall in love with her.
(really??den how come its not working??maybe not yet....hehe)
Her multiple changes and many moods is a "Charm" for many men.
She can be laughing for 2 minutes and later suddenly quiet. !!!!!!
(very true..but most of the tym i laugh lor..)
She wants to find only 1 true love and she wants to meet her dream guy. !!!!!!
She expects a lot and nearly too much.
She is constantly waiting for her knight shinning armor even she is with a steady boy friend. She can fall in love or fond of someone else while she is with you.
(ehk bluff sia....)
If you break up with her, she will forget you quite fast, because change is in her nature.
(really meh??)
The Gemini woman breaks more heart than woman in other Zodiac.
(dun believe this part lor....usually guys BHB one okay...haha)
Because she is a dreamer and always waiting for her knight shinning armor, so her love life can be complex or a mess. !!!!!!
She hates to write a long letter, so if you write her a letter and expect a prompt reply, forget it.
Because she has a multiple personality and multiple ideas, so she hates to put them down in written proof.
(i dun really write wat my heart says...cuz it will change later...hehe)
Because she knows what she belief today can be different tomorrow.!!!!
She could communication with more than 1 languages , a real gifted linguistic.
(yar...but not in malay...hehe)
If she wants to tell you any bad comments, she won't say it straight away, but she will talk to you about many other things and accidentally come to that subject without offending you.
Normally she will not lie.
(very true...i wont lie for no reason de....hehe)
She will work hard and once a while take a long rest. !!!!!
(self proven larr....unless it comes to project...hehe)
She can get bored and tired with her own surrounding more than at work. !!!!!!
(lol..i owaes get bored...)
She never feel content with her present work, money, or reputations, she will drive to have more.
(true larr..)
Don't ask her what is her ultimate contentment for she will not have an answer.
(still searching for the answer..hehe)
Once you get to know her, she will be a supportive person and always be beside you. !!!!!!!
(obvious lor...hehe...)
She has a beautiful dream
(i always dream so ya da ya da)
and she loves to have someone walk side by side with her, together and equally. !!!!!!!
(very true...so will u walk beside me??hehe)
okay cool i beta get going....
and dis abang still getting me confused larr!!
is it de mail??metaphor??watever....
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
okayys..im bloggin...
im bored...ehk no im not(hey it rhymes...!!)
pretty PMS-ing mood...
dunno y i can be angry for no reason...
or sad...
or very happy...
but one thing i noe is i lurve irritating my mum...
so had a treat from yap at swensen on saturday...
it was awesome...
though the not so awesome thing was to have THOSE people there
which made our treat less enjoyable...
but i was MEAN...
poh told me zahrin was rather not sincere at saying hi back to her..
and i was like "hi zahrin!!!"
that day was not so enjoyable...
cuz something irritating happen...and it made me late for the treat...
something happen to cx...but im glad she's ok now..
and i cudnt watch the movie with them..
niwaes thx antony fer the ORAL AND BANANA JOKES!!sheesh
my reputation is gone...
(n btw i saw wat i wasn't supposed to see at starbucks!!!!hehehe....)
Sunday went down to swissotel to help out with the ballroom international competition event...
had to wear smart casual..i dun like lor....
but the good thing was dat there was a lot of guys!!!
and dis guy made my heart go lub dup lub dup!!
he is number 299..Ivanov his name...
from Bulgaria
he got seducing eyes..
and he is sexayye!!dancing to latin...wowee...
he talked to me at a very close distance...it really gave me palpitation...
it was such an eye opening fer me...
now i noe wat is standard ballroom and latin....
i like latin dance like the jive,rumba,samba,cha cha and paso doble...
its so wild and HOT!!especially the guys...
the girls are uber pretty and the costumes so shimmery...loves...
it was fun...
and some guys were flirty..hehe
i went up to the hotel room that peter booked fer us...
and saw the view of esplanade area...
den i realise how small singapore is...
(n i hurt my eyes on sunday morning....)
okays...i holla excited fer the chalet...
ehk wait im holla excited meeting the girls and may...
on wed!!we gonna tok and tok....
i missed them...
i feel like we very long neva tok...haha
may i wanna noe abt u and.....that rider....
cx sure got things to tok abt...
mimi will just relax one corner and add on pepper and salt...
me??i see wat i can do on wed...
im the food manager!!
we gonna have fun cuz im overniting!!wowee!!!
mimi and me bt ystd night fer 3 hours..or was it 4??
she did a crazy thing over the phone...
me:blah blah blah....ehk hi 5!!
mimi:5...ehk u wiat arh....*toot*
me:ehk wats dat??
mimi:5 lor....
me:wait wat?5?
mimi:i pressed the 5....
hehe n she did it again...
okays ciaoz...
false hopes or fantasy world??
im not expecting anything...
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
yipee!!im here to blogg...
exams over and im bored!! freakin bored larr...
okay wait let me blog abt antony's mania treat....
he was late by 3 mins...haha...
okay we PPGs are just finding ways to tekan him larr..lol!!
so it was all super duper fun larr...
the most funny part was when antony said...
"eh where's the banana??ehk did i order the banana??"
it really sounded VERY VERY WRONG....
hehe...okay crap....
thx antony fer the treat.....
i wish i could blogg nicely dis tym round....but...im just too lazy...
or mayb just feeling down??
She is hurt so is he..
it hurts me to see this happening....
plus He also feels sad...
well maybe its time we setlle down and be down to earth....
somehow im not really looking forward fer the treat tmr....
the weather made me down!!!
im bored and down...i hate it!!!
bring me up again please....
im trying my best
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
okay im supposed to buy food but decided to blogg fer awhile...
okay today met up with PPGs before going school...
i was damn happy can??
i miss the girls like crazy..
and may tot i miss the B****ing more....
its not kays...
i really miss y'all...
so i had my regular dose of B****ing..
but it aint enough...
but i need study first...sheesh...
okay counting down to treats..
practically 2 days to antony's treat(and tekan-ing them..) and
5 days to Yap's SWENSEN TREAT(and meeting johnny bravo...haha..)!!!
yay...im enjoying my fullest....
i hope the wind don't change direction...
i love it dis way and hope it will always be this way...
loves my life....love you all!!
sorry but its been a long time since i was euphoric!!hehe...
k gtg study...ehk no buy food!!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
im blogging again...
my exams is less than 24hours time and im going to my grandma house...
and im still calm...
despite the fact that i only covered endocrine system 98% of it for bio...
and 70% for blood bio...
so ppl tmr when u see me dun make me panic kays...
haha i dun think its working like seriously!!
must be due to POST-attachment syndrome...
though attachie ended like a week ago??
no more BT-ing wit memii
now no longer b****talking ON...
its prescribed as PRN....
there's loads of things happening....
but we are CONTROLLING it till WEDNESDAY!!
3 more days for anthony's treat...
we gonna have B I TCHAMANIA!!at PASTAMANIA..lol!
so fun....
i noe there's story from CHU XIANG DARLING...
i noe wat it is but i still want her to tell us...
MAY TOO!!haha...
i really think the attachment made us closer...like sisters now...
from different clique now we became another clique...haha...
well despite not being able to BT wit mimi...
i still got company..lol...uknow i know huh!!
and i like it...
thx to CX....haha...
and mimi dun ever think dat i dun prioritise...
hehe i prioritise PPG more than the guys kayss...
fer tmr..daddy's gonna send me(hopefully)...whee...
so ya....i might be pretty early..
gonna avoid dat mamak gal..cuz she is sure to spoil my day with her nonsense...
she tok a lot of rubbish larr...
and not to forget she tok to ppl even though dey arent interested in listening..
so really pls...dun let me see her early in the morning...
i hope the paper's not gonna be that tough...
okayss im gonna stop here....
have to get my stationaries too...
hopefully i get to mugg at auntie's house!!
it seems that i know him too well..
it seems that he's just like me...
its creepy....
but i tink i still like it....??
in the process of discovering....
till 13 sept..
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
okay yay!!finally like able to blogg...
but i dun tink i'll blog dat much though...like too much things is happening
and i dunno where to start...
too much happenings larr..
okayy the girls went out for national day..
updated by the girls...
we went to 76....
updated by the girls...
had a treat by chicken little...
updated my the girls....
n thx chu xiang fer not attacking me personally..hehe
well basically everything is updated...
wat's there fer me to talk....
i keep telling mimi den i dun like chicken little and she dun believe me...
like wth....haha
im serious girls...haha...
haha..but anyway im really happy fer MAY DARLING!!u better update sia...
and may if ever happen he wants noe ur url..
u better do the necessary before giving it to him okays...haha
geez..and i missed bitching again with the PPGs...
chu xiang..
i noe ur are falling..
or maybe u fell already...just go for it..mimi and me will be behind u de...
hehe...take the risk...but then again exams come first..
hehe enjoy the process...
walao eh..dun tok abt chicken lil at chu xiang's tagg lehs...
u noe mother and chicken little read her blog...so yada ya da...
save me....u supposed to save me...hehe
lets bitch again someday..
i miss the girls!!!!!!
they must be having fun...
i beta go get study like ryt now...
dis minute,dis sec...
i lurve this pic...credit to chuxiang camera skills and my idea...hehe

sorry disappoint u readers...
actually got...
but im supposed to ZIP MY MOUTH!!!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
i want blogg...but i got 5mins only so i might as well blog tmr...
sianz...tmr last day of dance..thx god!!\
okay...niwaes a big thank you to chicken lil fer the treat..
and we got a big news!!!
hehe regarding may and ahem!!!lol!!
toodles....check out ma blog tmr!!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
okays..i badly wanted to blogg but i cudnt..rushing to meet my the PPG and may...
haha..so i shall just write down the nicks and characters of the ward..wee
Powerpuff girls
consist of...
me,mimi and chuxiang...
im the buttercup cuz i like green(n its not because of chicken little okayy!!)
mimi is bubbles and chuxiang is blossom..
we three always work tgt..and help cover each other when one of us go for break
then there's
chicken little:zulhilmi bin lukmannudin (wakaka i know his full name yaw..)
johnny bravo aka brother aka mother: Mak KAh Yink
dearie: anthony(may's one)
father:ismail(its mimi's father..haha)
okay i suppose i'll be late meeting the girls...haha...
i gtg....
gonna scream like crazy wen the fireworks come alive later on!!hee....
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
so on friday...
i had to work with anthony..for the first time officially...
sorry may...hehe..(btw may stayed a lil longer on friday...haha..cuz dearie is afternoon shift)
report taking...was as usual funny...cuz nazrin pass report...
and they were like joking around arh...
anthony was like saying nazrin took his girlfriend...
and nazrin was like "ehk dat was the past bro..."
and anthony was like" ehk she pretty ryt" referring to me...
and nazrin was like" i dun look at girls above my height...lol!!
sometimes i wonder how he work...haha...
so kecoh...
and then when there's dis EN faizal i tink so BHB(thick skinned) entered the room..
nazrin was like disturbing him...saying to me
"eh he handsome wat...u want??single and available..."
we were laughing away lar...
n dat EN was like "im single but not available.i still got long way to go..."
walao wei...so serious fer wat nia??
i got my chicken little and chicken little much beta den him...haha...
anyway nazrin was not dat happy fer dat morning..tho he was all smiles..
he confided in me somethings regarding the morning...
which i wont state here as a promise to him...
oh yarr..not forgetting his new nick given by memii.."sexyback"
cuz everytime he reached out to get things he will exposed his back...
lol!and he, dat cheeky monkey were asking the powerpuff girls(PPG which consist of me,memii and chuxiang)
whether we had any crushes on the nurses...
wanting to listen to our respoonse..hehe
haha...that cheeky monkey nazrin was saying that last time he always had crushes on nurses etc...
wateva sexyback...haha..
okay anthony was cool lar..butt dirty
i was like calling out ehk got oral??
meaning oral thermometer..
and anthony heard me and he was like..u wan ORAL arh??
ask nazrin...daymn!!
but heck it was always dirrty toks with him and nazrin....
and all the way whenever he see me he calls me oral...daymn!!
okay anthony was one great dude...
dat explains y may love his dearie...
he brought me to fetch patient and he was like okay since u do already,den now u do it urself...
(i ever fetch patient with chicken little..
rmb dat i ACCIDENTALLY pushed chu xiang so that i cud go fetch patient with chicken little)
and i was like huh???
damn..i was so nervous dat he cud see it...
he was like why u nervous??
n he say he is giving us opportunities cuz last tym when he was a student he neva got the chance..
n wen he pass out as SN he was "blur like sotong"
so oh wells as ive anticipated he was goin to ask me questions!!
thank god i rmb wat that chickem little told me...(how can i forget what chicken little told me)
so he was quite satisfied with my ans...
hahs...so he taught me wat to do as a junior nurse...
its great lar...i feel like a staff nurse...not a student nurse when im with him...
n yes!as said by may...he got plenty of friends larr...
okayy...everything was okay...including my patient that was always irritating...
until wen i sent my patient up to the bed...
i wanted to do the transferring and all and i saw that julie bitch biscuit there in my room fer no good reason...
ordering me around...
daymn i noe wat to do larr....k that was just a minor thing...
so i went fer break after that...
it was all fine and FUN with the PPG communicating and delegating work to each other when one is not around...
so we helped each other to take hourly para,urinals and attend callbells...
until serving diet time...
the vegetarian diet had chicken..
the hca just anyhow serve...
i ask my chicken little whether the vegetarian diet with chicken can be served..
he said cant...so i dint serve...
den the highly intelligent PCA said dat it can be served because its MOCK chicken....
walao wei no need to be so snob watt....
so i just say my chicken little say cant...this is yet another minor thing....
so i went fer break telling CX abt my hourly para...
after break i went in first...
oh..not forgetting i saw chicken little in the tearoom...hee
chu xiang told me she haven do the hourly para..
cuz that "crazy julie took all the clinical charts"
i told her to go fer break and i proceeded to do...
so that biscuit came out form her room and nag nag nag....say who disturb her clinical charts...
shit her...
she have no rights to hold on to ROOM 24 CLINICAL CHARTS!!
cuz she's not even the in charge NOR the junior fer my room...
so kpo fer wat!!so i took and did it...
den the callbells started to ring form one to another...
asking fer urinals,sponging and bathing
thank god memii came bec in tym to help me out....
so after giving urinal...i cleared one urinal...
and den saw that PCA in the disposable rm with a measuring jug....
i opened the sanitizer put back the washed urinals back...
she put the jug in..and left..wen i wanted to put in the dirty urinal...
the sanitizer closed on me...!!it was darn hot...but thank god my hand wasnt scarred
den it dawned upon me that the STUPID FREAKIN F***ing PCA pressed the thing before i put the urinal in...
(pardon my language)
I dun mind if nurses want to attitude but by doin what she had done...
Chicken little saw that i was kinda pissed...
cuz he keep taking sneak peeks at me and the ppg faces....
den i had to clear the urinal again....
with my damn pissed face....
suddenly when i went in chicken little was there...
he tried to strike a convo with me...
chicken little:"hey today u become urinal nurse arh?hehe"(smiles)
me:hmm yeaps...(my anger dissolving..)
chicken little: how's ur 24/10??(still smiling and no eye contact)
me: okay lar...he ask to buy fer him 2 lux soaps..haha(anger lesser..)
well i prefer him not to have eye contact cuz i can look at him more..hehe
he certainly made my day....at least he tried after like 8hrs of working..?
okay another F***ing thing that happen was dat
1)just removed the urinal catheter
2)is on I/O chart
3)needs to monitor the urine output
so wth they dun believe me....
if they dun believe me and believe the pt. they can just write down in I/O chart that pt pass small amt of urine what??
walao wei!!!AND PLUS IM NOT A YR 1..and i noe very well wats I/O chart...
F*** her lar!!!
i was so pissed that day....
but chicken little made my day.,...
cuz he was concern abt us...
tried to cheer me up...
even my 24/10 made me laugh...
cuz he told me to get him 2 LUX soap...
these horrible Incorrigible vegetable nurses are worst than my 24/10 larr!!!
oh wells...shant be angry with them anymore....
chicken little saves my day!!
lurve it!!!
and btw!we gave may's number to anthony dearie!!!
EHK WHEN"S MY TURN!!!hehee...
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
okay..i shall update with the happening aites..
so on thurs..
it was such a funny day...
it was darn funny larr...
it all happen when we wanted to take report...
and the pharmacist plus the nurses and doctors keep coming in and out of the MO's room...
interrupting our report taking....
SN nazrin was irritated and pretended to lock the door when the pharmacist wanted to go in....
and den when he tried to open...
it cud not open...
at first we kinda panic....but after that...
we were laughing away....
it was daymn happening in there...
with xercis saying she cannot breathe...
den nazrin on the oxygen tank lol!!
but that johnny bravo had lighter with him...so nazrin off the oxygen tank...
Sn ismail was like saying that he was claustrophobic(fear of enclosed area) larr..
nazrin was saying that there wasnt enuff food in there like as if we will die in there...
xercis laughter made me laugh even more larr...
nazrin was like telling us to take para once we were freed from the room...
then he say.."nvm lar call ur fren the morning staffs to do parameters first"
and chuxiang went to call...ahakz...
xercis was asking ismail to repeat the report cuz she didnt hear...
and ismail was like "how many times u want to repeat??"
lol..it was damn happening till me and chu xiang laugh till we teared
and not to forget we laugh until we didnt listen to the report...
and dat chicken little came to make a funny face to johnny bravo....
haha...happening and i like~
well i cant really rmb on what other happenings happen..
but i noe that the locked up was sucha a happening...
but chicken little was not the same shift with me...sadded...
but anw one of my patient dat day was actually my one yr senior back in sec skul...
haha...at least not that boring....okay....writing another entry fer friday events..
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
okayss..so much fer saying dat my blogg gonna hibernate..
but heckk..too much happenings yaw!!
err..where do i start..
it was yesterday....
i fell sick the day before ystd-flu,fever,cough and sore throat..
it was such a big shot of sickness fer me...
must be because ive not been seeing my chicken lil for 4 DAYS!!!
daymn!!went back to skul fer camp meeting...
had panadol only..cuz didnt want pirithon...it gave me a hangover ystd morning...
it was this morning when....
i woke up late...
i had enuff sleep i ges...
i woke up reading memii's msg..
saying she saw her father in train...
n i was like "how come memii msging me like so damn early??.."
den checked msg details...
quickly bathe...n i fergot to put on my perfume!!doinkz...
but heck!!having flu..so no perfume fer me...
took cab at 6.30am...tot i was gonna be late...
n got msg from memii dat she saw chciken lil!!daymn!!!haha....
purposely make me jealous ryt!!
but aniway i was abit early...hee!!
it was at tearoom when...
i started being lame....
so here's the joke i gave nickie and memii before we went in fer work...
"i have 50,000 soldiers...u have 50,000 soldiers...
we had a war...who wins?"
(if y'all wans the ans pls tagg me yaw..or ask personally..)
hahs...so we went in fer work...
It was in the ward when...
the sight of chicken lil cure me slightly..hee..
realised that his braces kinda different...
as in different colour..
sad dat he wasnt assigned to my room lar..
'he was assigned to high dependency unit..sianz...
but then got that MAk aka johnny bravo...finally got him a suitable nick...
so okay lar...
early morning didnt do anything much...
besides walking this patient for 1 WHOLE DAYMN HOUR!!
well i had to 'layan' that patient cuz nobody cud tahan him...
everything fer him is snail slow...
literally...really not kidding...it takes like 15 means fer him to slowly move from bed to the commode...
but today he was abit better and quiet...got my tactic ryt...
even may was shocked to see him abit toned down...
okay let THAT not spoil my happening cheeky monkey day!!
I was happy when...
that chicken lil keep popping his head in and out...in my cubicle!!
whhatt was he doin in my cubicle??...
haha...he miss me larr....hehe...
okayy so...i was busy in my cubicle..
okok not really busy after i finish with that patient..
so just made sure my cubicle was neat and tidy...
(not forgetting today was my urinal day...)
until...Johnny Bravo say CHICKEN LITTLE WAS LOOKING FOR ME!!!
LIKE WHAAT!!(i tink i gave that shocked face lar..tho it may seem expressionless..
in the PREP RM!!
okay...so settled my urinals...
washed my hand and went to him...
it was in that cubicle when...
he told me to do hypocount...
so went to dis female pt..did hypocount..
n he was like...okay do lar..
wat CI tot u...
so i just pretended to ask question like
"ehk can i wear two gloves"
so just pretended talking abt hypocount...
haha just to listen to him talk...
it was hyper hot high when...
chicken lil: "u have to milk it first....ah...okay"
so afta that i pricked...(my heart wen tachy lar...heart rate of 120 haha)
"okay squeeze it...squeeze...milk milk...(n he guided me by milking my fingers to squeeze the patient..
let it suck....."
damn he was making me HIGH larr....in a way...
(lol..sorry but its part of growing up isnt it??)
okay crapss....
i like~
it was suspicious when...
that johnny bravo told me...eh ur baby zul is there...
i was kinda shock that he knows but remain expressionless....
not to give...err...whats that word again memii??
yea...give away!!haha....super uber shocking can??
but heck i dun think he noes...
it was after work in tea room when..
that mak offered chu xiang flower...haha....
n den offered me a flower too...but rejected..
n chicken lil told chu xiang to wait fer him..haha....
it was a concluded that....
johnny bravo is in luv with our ah xiang...hehe...
okayy did i miss out anithing??memii do the additon...hehe
it was love when...
chu xiang...and johnny bravo seems mutual...wakaka...dats the word memii...
lol...we concluded and predicted that johnny bravo likes chuxiang..
n btw..that JOhnny bravo..he purposely brushed me side to side in the morning larr..
dun turn me on cann....haha go take chuxiang..lol!!
haha memii u noe i noe y...hehe...
something seems to be missing...
well i cnt rmb....
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd