yikes!everytime i hear the rumble of those drums..
and the view of that lion is enough to make my heart tremble
and my knees go weak..
hah!yes im afraid of lion dance somehow..
(p/s:not allowed to laugh!)
(n yes the lion dancers are around my estate while im busy typing this entry.)
niwaes..yeah finally the exams are over..
happiness..(err..not really..)
so what did i do fer the last day of exams??
haha..i went to vivocity with amirah n lee fung..
had a hell load of great tym cam-whoring..
the fact dat mira neva been there makes cam-whoring a hell load of fun..
well we took pictures of different poses(n yes i really mean DIFFERENT)
then we walk or shall i say amirah enjoyed her hours of window shopping..
well my legs ache while window shoppin with her..
fer one ting our taste of clothes are totally different..lol!!
i lurve blings and statements clothes but she doesnt..
she prefers those feminine type..
gosh dats pretty obvious isnt it?
n my goodness we had not finished shopping the whole of vivocity..haha..
oh wells now is holiday period..
had a great tym over at may's house..
playing poker cards,using brains calculating cuz chu xiang
introduce us a game of mental sums with poker cards..
nice combo!
haha..n ye sover at may's house i was in luv with dis guy called show!!
he's sucha hunk mann!!he's a singer plus a dancer i guess..
so cute..
niwaes den we headed down to mount faber safra
for a game of bowling where obviously may was the winner..
and me being the second..haha!!the best part was i scored two strikes fer dat game..lol!
den we hit the arcade!!
this is where i found out dat chu xiang is a great sport..
haha!!we had the same taste fer arcade games..
like we played all those musical arcade and the initial d.
time crisis..n whatnots..lurve her!!hahakz!
den we went down marina square..
wher i intro the famous popiah down at food loft..
afterwhich may took the foreigners fer a look of marina square
den we met up again..
and this tym..may wanted to bring us to river angbao..
haha!!while otw ther the fireworks started to make a bang out of it..
and yea i screamed..im always overwhelmed when theres fireworks..
hehe..sheil ur wish came true!
fine i can juz go on and on about wat happen on dat day..
n yes river ang bao is a place not to be missed!
pics will be posted asap..
niwaes shoutouts to
ah boon,justin,johnny,jerrold..
and all ma juniors..
im missing u guys loads mann..
especially ah boon..haha!!lurve y'all..
those having attachie..
happy attachie!!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
argh..gettin lazier..
sure to flop my psycho..
so much fer being psychotic..
anyways trueness..
im luving LJS..
and pleease dun eva ask abt my v'dae..
except fer the fact dat amsyar called me dat nyt..
alrite..studying and mugging fer ma last two paper..
n yes dis is fer real..
im predicting one subpaper to take...
kk two sub..in case i'd be disappointed..
told ma mum..im not intrested in nursing no more..
but gonna complete it else i waste the money..
ya sadness..only like the attachie..
okie dats abit contradicting..
but hell yar..
gonna take other course after nursing..
no social life..
no longer sociable..
lost my personality..
lost me myself and i..
but hey no fret..gettin up and rounding back with ma homies..
ya lurve them.
had a long chat wit ila..
meeting up and gathering at sakura..
more yayness..
homies we gonna meetin up real soon yea!!
are gettin back all the contacts soon..
miss u guys so much lar..
missing and more missing..
sure enuff..missing dance like crazie..
okie fine crazier..
how i wish guys u wud drop from the skies and
come to my rescue of my sudden boring life..
its soon spicing up once i meet them!!
lalala..goin luv sick and luv craz y...
n LJS phreak!!wee..
its over dude...game over...
dun ask...
happy hols and CNY!!get the oranges and red packets yea!!
n yesh im gonna celeb CNY..dat means two days off from studying..urgh...
toodles people!!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
i want change my blog song again!!lol!!
haha so fickle minded..
and i want go pasar malam at chinatown..
to buy lots and lots of goodies and swits and wateva titbits...
yumm yumm..waitin to binge on chocz esp ma kinder bueno!!yayness...
exams on the rise....lalala....goin bonkers soon...
schizoid.psychotic.pure insanity.wee......
muggin away..toodles!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
okie freakin shit..lol..
haha neva fail to use the word shit..lol..
okie have been sitting here fer the past few hours lol..
been blog hopping and laughin as my hp lites up as i receives msgs
from shockingly lee fung..lol..hehe
tot wat..but it revealed a sms to sae dat u-are-bein-rmb kinda ting
but the funny ting is dat a few minutes later..my phone lites up again
(kay,if ur wondering why it only lights up,its cuz i owaes put ma phone on silent mode..
god noes why..hehe)
and i press on the keys..and i laugh again..hehe..
guess why??cuz sheila send me the same msg as lee fung twice eyy..
lol..okie fine freakin fine..
updated my links
checked my yahoo mail for dance mails..
blog-hopped(gosh dom is in army already lar..lol!wonder how he luk like with his shaven head..hehe)
checked friendster account
etc etc..i really missed the net yar..
gosh!!i didnt noe my other frens-dat-u-dun-expect were connected to the dancers of the local scene
so like yar..was busy checkin my frenster fer a hell long tym..
mas was connected to street disciple?like wow..
hehs cant wait fer dancefloor on wed..lol..yar valentines dae spent on watching tv..
(lol any ideas fer v'dae ppl??)
lol..i like..yayness styles from beyond are on dis week..so is lush if im not wrong..
can see amsyar on the floor..wee...
its so so gonna be a tough battle on the dancefloor..
still cudnt find zaid lar..
yayness after doin wat i had to do on the net now can start seriously blogging hehe..
finally ended my 3weeks attachie..
kinda sad tho..
missing my 24/9 uncle lol..
yay!my personal objective have been achieved..
i managed to communicate with the patients..
and dat marked my achievement..
unlike in 72 where i wunt tok to the patient at all..
hehs!was even complimented by mrs chia of my confidence to open up..
thx cher..
anyways..the ending of 9th feb was mayb the fruitful one?
came to attachie wit fardil!!lol!!
sooo had a freakin fun teasing each other..hehe..
but poor boi had a fell n his leg hurts..wakaka..
anyway he accompanied to my ward and den find his way to his ward..lol..
miss him larr...and his freakin jokes..lol!
anyways,dat day was normal and all..
find a slight change in him..
or was i the one who changed?
or was i juz bein sensitive?
but i tink i noe its not..sumthins wrong..
dat i noe..
but u din wan tell me i ges..
im sorry..
so had to go home alone dat day..
before i left..went to every bed and bid goodbye and take care..
leaving my fave uncles made me wanna cry..
relatives of 24/2 and ex 24/9
wished me luck fer exams and asked me to tc..
mann..i din feel like leaving..
hehe but funny incident happen as i was abt to leave..
24/2 release his own restraint and den put his pillow on the floor..
and want to sleep there..lol..Chiang was there to handle the situation..hehs..
so cute lar...
went back with memii..
and saw HAIKEL!!miss him loads lar!!lol!
he oso left at dat tym..and he said..
i wasnt lookin at him wen i talked to him.,.
hehe my mind had sumthin on mah..
miss u a million lar haikel!!
so he gave me his hse number saying dat i could contact him there..
yay!n he was oso sad to leave the wArd.wakaka..
haikel u shud cry u noe..neva see u cry before..a lil bit more of ma consoling can make u cry..
hehs..but too bad we had to part at the junction..
niwaes see u soon fer the exams..lol!
dat marks the end of the attachie..
N ppl..my prepaid is freakin low..so y'all cant get thru me by calling..
niting juz drop me a msg..yea??i'll still be able to read it..
lurve u guys lar..
and anyone wanna get out tmr?for a chill or sth
do contact me too yea??but bring along ur books lol!!
lurve y'all...happy muggin muggers!lol!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
yayness manage to slip and blog again..wee..
finally manage to change blog song..
lurve the chorus but i dun tink it mean anything to me..
hehe..im happily swinging single..
enjoying singlehood till the ryt tym comes
mayb this song fer khair and nas yar..
fret not rabiah still here..
fine!im actually sick u noe..
n khair was laughing at me ystd like im his clown like dat..
takpe lah skali skala..
stupid lar ystd...
pt kinda absconded..sort of..
den my brain jam like shit lor..
cant even do para properly..
den one by one pt goin out..lol..
like playing catching.,.
but really i was jammed..n khair sae dat im juz using the excuse..
like wth..but nvm.. i noe his plight at dat moment so like yar..
n i cant believe i did stupid stuffs like flagging fer bus 135 when dat bustop does not have 135..
damn stupid lor....
but anyway ther was dis cute mat at the bustop..
fer the ferst tym im liking a mat fer his looks..
besides khair(mat in denial..)
hehe..anyway wat was i supposed to blog arh??...
(regaining my mind)
okie..here's wat im supposed to be blogging..
why am i hating?
why am i not luving?
dun tell me it came back again..i dun wan dat..
i juz wan as it is..
somethings bothering me..
i tot it was meant as it was ..clear and not needing any explanation..
but y u sae a different ting..
ges im juz tinkin too much..
but i noe sumthings changing..
bt i'l juz be there fer u anytym anyway..
hopefully u realise it..
(hehe the tingy above is wat i feel..no questions asked pls..
cuz i dun wish to hurt anybody..thx!)
and i was quiet today after visiting dis patient..
once i entered the high dependency ward..
i felt solemn and tense atmosphere surrounds me..
patient being intubated with lotsa drips and all..
and only morphine is their friend.
i dunno y..but as i listen to dis granny patient...
i felt kinda sad..i juz wanted cry down der..
but seeing the pt smiling away din make me cry..i juz held ma tears..
its unprofessional to cry..but
the feeling is so heavy at the heart..
but y?im not even close to the pt..neva even tok to her..
sometyms juz wrong..
i tink im losing sumone..
haiz..hate gut feelings..
anyway..i'm rather quiet dis days.,..
sumtings bothering..but i try not to show...again...
the feelings coming back..
juz need lotsa rest..and a break...
peace out...
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd