okie alritey..iF ur wondering wat song it is..im telling u...
its.....TOKYO DRIFT!!
wakaka...im so in lurve with dis song..tho its kinda irritatin lol..i lurve the cutesy part
but its NICE!!wakaka...
and anyone got Lily alien's album borrow me...
and i oso lurve Fergie's song..London Bridge i tink dats the title....
kk..wats with me and songs...
hey at least mine is sumtin ryt...
gimme ur comments people..
dis few days is kind a comedy to me..
juz the other day..i was out
went down with my younger sis..to buy bubble tea..
while waitin fer ma drink..i was juz standing there..
with ma messy hair which i cant be bothered to tie up....
den came a small boy..a primary school boy nudge me..
i thot he wanted to buyu drink from me...
i looked at him thinkin dat i shud tell him not to order drinks from me..
guess wat??
dis is our conversation
boy:excuse me..
me:(looked at him)(thots:u shudnt be buying drinks from me..)
boy:the guy in white wants ur number..
me:HUH??!!(straight away looked away from him)
boy:(still standing there)cannot arh?ouh okie nvm....
LOL!!dun ask me whether the guy was cute..cuz at dat point of time i was super freaked out..
after gettin our drinks we walk a longer route juz not to see whoeva dat guy was...
n end up laughin abt it away with my younger sis...
ive been quite blur lar dis few days...
im like lost in the huge world..
wakaka....k lar...im lyk so HOTT ryt now perspiring away..so i betta go alritey..
ps:i cant find the lyric mann....sobz sobz..
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
im here to blog again..hehe..
ive been wishing to buy lotsa stuffs arh dis few days..
but juz dat i budget..hehe..
here are my wants:
dat 2-1 wrist band watch white or orange colour
dat mp3 player at tpy white colour
dat top from S&K....
dat jumper at S&K...(waitin fer ma mum hint to buy it fer me..)
dat olympus digi cam..latest one orange color..
(my black silky digicam still at home..n i cant find the charger..lol!)
dat sweater from I.P code..
lots and lots of clothes from e.base,i.p code and S&K..(they are having sale ryt now!!)
dats all i guess...
oh ya i wan siti nur halizah'z WEDDING GOWN PLEASE!!!
im so in lurve wit watches dis few days..
i lurve the nike latest watch..
and watches with big straps dat are of my fave color..
haiyo..if onli had money...sianz...
y ystd no ANTM??
so bored sia..end up watchin Siti Nur Halizah wedding ceremony on tv3
HEr wedding was so lavish dat i was so jealous of it lar..
7 storey cake..with all the datuks der...
all i wanted is her wedding gown..
it was beautiful..white with pink streams
love it mann..
dats all i guess whee...
to dat person:ur feeling guilty and escaping...but it doesnt matter to me anymore..
say wat u want coz..its ur mouth...not mine..but fer sure ive seen ur colours..
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
so ystd went fer orientation at sgh..
learn alot of stuffs...
first got to noe dat..SGH is known as Se pai poh...(Sepoy road in hokkien i guess..)
i lurve the way dey wash the hands..wakaka
was singing it all the way...
here goes:
up and down
up and down
in and out
in and out
round and round
round and round
say hello
say goodbye
tickle here
tickle there
(one more tym!!hehe..)
the part dat i looked forward to was the tour!!!
haha..okie guess wat??
khair was super happy to noe dat the toilet was UNISEX!!
dat he wunt be goin toilet alone and bathing alone while the girls bathe in the toilet./.
cuz..he will do it with US!!OMG...
i mean..different cubicle same toilet arh..hehe..
but hey dun u dare come out of the toilet half naked..so unprofessional alritey..
u must thank to whom create da unisex toilet wakaka..
cant wait fer ma attachment and here's my sorta objectives dat we supposed ta prepare
1>To be more confident in taking vitals
2>to do more NG FEEDING(im so in lurve with NG feeding!!)
3>i cant think of more..so im goin to sae dat..to be able to get female pts instead of male cuz i dun wana do...student nurses-noe-wat...haha
4>to have gd colleagues to help us out..
im recovering soon and now cant wait fer dance..
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
i noe lotsa stuffs been heating up...
thru my blog...and like wat i said..
its MY BLOG..n its MY SAY..
i cant be bothered to BARK with those trying to BARK around with me..
and yea...u noe wad like i said...if u so gonna be offended thru my blog dun start reading it..
and straight away close the window...
so ryt now i still dun undastand y do some ppl read my blog n get angry..
and den start askin y i dun wan confront her..
well...i juz wanna sae dis..
i cant be bothered to wan to confront u..
and pls u dun even noe the rship im in n yet u wanna sae dat of me??
nvm..ur still immatured n yet to undastand..
so its undastandable...
dats all i have to sae to u...
Shouts to him:
i noe ur reading my blog...i noe wat happen..i noe wat u told her and vice-versa..
n im not gonna feel anything...
Shouts to all:
dun take dis as my weakness...but my courage to be patient....
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
yea...ystd results were superb mann...
Spore idols...Jon got in!!!!!WOohoO!(as reported by miips n my mum)
mY daRling got my support mentally and spiritually..
hehe...gonna meet him up after tmr's SGH orientation tmr 8-12pm..
and shitt!!tmr orient..need wear uniform..and i dun have ma shoes!!
nvm..i'll get it sumhow..mayb borrow my mum's shoe..
hehe...anyway..heard lilys got hospitalised according to miips..
will try meet her tmr..hope shes fine..
american next top model?
u gurls simply have to watch it!!
lotsa bitchin arnd...n guess wad??
dey are going BALD next week!!
woohoo...dunno y im so in lurve wit modellings..
but i never wud wan be one catwalk model..
no confidence in pulling it off at the runway
..but i wish to be one...a photography model..
hehe juz take pictures..isnt dat awesome??
kk..wat a wishful thinkin...
my darling vi..hehe..my indo fwen who went overseas to study..
goin out wit her next week since she will be off next fridae..
mish her mann!!
miss having frens around..gonna mish my gurlfrens too..
mish everyone....mish u too..yes u...ur reading my blog..hehe
peace out!!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
yea...ystd results were superb mann...
Spore idols...Jon got in!!!!!WOohoO!(as reported by miips n my mum)
mY daRling got my support mentally and spiritually..
hehe...gonna meet him up after tmr's SGH orientation tmr 8-12pm..
and shitt!!tmr orient..need wear uniform..and i dun have ma shoes!!
nvm..i'll get it sumhow..mayb borrow my mum's shoe..
hehe...anyway..heard lilys got hospitalised according to miips..
will try meet her tmr..hope shes fine..
american next top model?
u gurls simply have to watch it!!
lotsa bitchin arnd...n guess wad??
dey are going BALD next week!!
woohoo...dunno y im so in lurve wit modellings..
but i never wud wan be one catwalk model..
no confidence in pulling it off at the runway
..but i wish to be one...a photography model..
hehe juz take pictures..isnt dat awesome??
kk..wat a wishful thinkin...
my darling vi..hehe..my indo fwen who went overseas to study..
goin out wit her next week since she will be off next fridae..
mish her mann!!
miss having frens around..gonna mish my gurlfrens too..
mish everyone....mish u too..yes u...ur reading my blog..hehe
peace out!!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
k here i am blogging again..alot has happened..
too much have happen..dat ive to blog it again..
lets start with ystd??
okie..ystd was the last paper dat i had...and it ended at 10.30am..
but i left earlier evrytime wen i see miips go off ferst..
anyway ystd life was terrible..of all i had to be sick ystd??
wadtha??!!i HATE my immune system..
had flu the dae before ystd..tot it was nothing big...
but yesterday it got worst dat my throat started to hurt..
it felt as though it was bleeding...
its called ineffective airway clearance r/t excessive secretions..
kept on drinking tea..hot tea from mac..
and tea from south canteen..(and it cost onli 30cents fer tea..hehe)
n my frens tot it was weird to drink tea with straw..its NOT OKIE!!
it still hurts..
im still wondering y it have to come ystd??
lyk so suay!!
started dancing at 4 or 5pm...was still okie...
until when we started do stretchin..
i felt nearly blacked out...but endured it..
till....the jazz across the floor....cudnt take it anymore
cuz besides the flu dat i had..i started to feel feverish
and soon started to cough and its dry cough so make
me wanna vomit...haiz bad day
hate myself fer falling sick at the WRONG TYM...
den went home..bump on ma bed.,..
the next ting i knew..i was super sick but cant bother take my
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
Papers ending soon..yea...
left one more tmr..HS1027..woohoo
N gott dance tmr..woohoo..But cant watch jon...Sianz..
haha oh wells will give him mental and spiritual support..wakaka..
kk..had frenz who sae im so obsessed wit him..but hey!!Who wudnt??
N he's an ex hair model..wakaka...wudnt dat make us compatible??LOL!..
okie okie..
so much has happen recently and..juz waiting fer a blasting moment tmr to dance..
gonna start on the stretches again...OuCh...n Hoping theres no pumping yea??hehe
wat a lazy bum bum i am..
k so tell me wat to do fer the 8hours to past fer tmr??
Sila and rab2 wanna bring me to seoul garden..but sheesh..not enuff money to go around..
plus i hafta save up fer ma afta exams outings..boohoo..
duno if miips gonna stay on in skul and find her charger again..hahakz..im veri free girl..
anyway lemme tok abt the exams..since its the first ever semestral exams dat im taking..
i have my exams at da HUGE sports all with other coursemates..meaning those dat take nursing..
wat i hate most about exams is to shade my name..
It is soo....SICKENING!!
my name is uber LONG...and wen everybody elses name has been shaded..
U will find me still shading..
my name:Rabiah Tul Adauwiyah BTE AJ
theres 23 HOLES to be shaded plus 4 HOLES fer the spaces!!
Plus the boxes to write my name aint enuff fer the FULL NAME.
end up i write my name w/o the BTE AJ..lol..
StILL??!!THeres 20 holes to shade juz fer my name..
and plus my admin and grp no. to shade..
n plus the 40 over MCQS or even 70 MCQs to shade??haha
So far the papers were okay lar..rab2 was scared wen she hears me sae dat..
cuz i didnt realli study much except fer sociology..
haha the rest all i heck-care..
but i luv bio paper..the SAQs..it was like a substituition fer Geog paper
i cud do my endless ramblings..
i lurve the qn dat asked me to describe the shoulder joint..
here's my ans:
Shoulder joint is a synovial hinge joint.It is made up of the humerus and the scapula bone.
The head of the humerus articulates with the glenoid fossa of the scapula.
The ligaments that are involved are coraco-clavicular,coraco-acromio and
acromio-coraco(k got the last ligament wrong..was confused..it was supposed ta be acromio-clavicular..haha..)
den the muscles involve are the rotator cuff muscles..
they are the subscapularis,wateva wateva..cant be bothere to sae...and the movements are bla bla bla..
haha with dat i hope to get like 14marks over 15 fer the question??hehe yea..
k lar..lazy to blog liaoz...wish me fun lazing fer 8 hrs??IN SKUL??!!ciaoz
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
okie here i have done some personality cocktail given thru an email..its kinda cool...
How to make a Rabiah |
Ingredients: 1 part pride 5 parts humour 1 part ego |
Method: Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of lustfulness |
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
it jus hurt BIG TYM..
I tot i PUT ON the armour..
i dun wanna cry anymore..
dat ***** have destroyed us both..
and my tears are enuff to drown u up with my sorrows..
i hate u...i hate u fer the history u written on my life..
but theres a wee bit of my heart dat wanna have u back..
i dunno..
i feel hurt and i need have sumone to hug..
i wanna be wit sumone alone..fer me to cry my hearts out with..
and after dat i wish dat my memories will be deleted from my brain..
i wish i cud have my way..haiz..
sorry but im down...
waitin fer sumone to cheer me up..
cuz my heart have been stabbed..
tryin to look happy...im juz pretending...nobody noes...
here's a lil lyric by rihanna
titled a million miles
Here we lay face to face once again
Silence cuts like a knife as we pretend.
and Im wondering who will be to first to say what we both know
We're just holding on to could have beens and we should be letting go.
[Chorus:]It feels like your a million miles away as your lying here with me tonight.
I cant even fine the words to say
I can find a way to make it right.
and we both know that the stories ending,
we play the part but we're just pretending and
I cant hide the tears cause even though your here,
it feels like your a million miles away.
Was it me, or was it you that broke away?
for what we were is like a season love is change
and everytime I think about it, it tears me up inside.
Like the rivers of emotion but I got no more tears to cry.
We can try to talk it over but we walked that road before,
while our song is playing its last note,
we both know for sure that its time to close that door.
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
WARNING this post is a bit long.But since you are here..might as well read it..hehe
Why did i choose nursing??
Okie here i am reinforcing my own beliefs of why nursing is the choice for me.
For right now,while im supposed to be studying for my upcoming exams,Im still wondering
why the hell am i down here in NYP taking nursing...
For one reason,with my grades i could go for a better course,even a jc..
I still rmb how i had to talk round my mum so that i could join nursing
cuz she wanted me to go jc..
However my initial plan was to take doctorate..
I still rmb how the words of my friend:-
Friend:You?!!!Take nursing??!!!Walao!!Gimme uR points and u take mine lar!!
me:(trying hard to entertain her)haha y?
friend:Walao!!wat for you want join nursing?!!Clean ppl's butt arh??!!EEi..later wipe pek backside bla bla bla..
me:(in my heart)wait till you get in the hospital..i'll make sure i wipe ur butt till it bleeds..
k admit dat i was evil..but i was pissed off with her back den..How could she b a wet blanket and destroy my picture
of what nurses are??
when i told my geog tcher,she was kinda shocked..
but she tried not to discourage me by saying dat..its a noble job...
(i wonder wat dat means at dat point of tym..)
Only mdm Zainah supported me sincerely..She was the one who said dat i shud juz go fer it
plus she explained to me the benefits..If im not wrong dats wat she told RAb 2 as well..
Besides her,my frens such as fatt and ezan actually supported me too...
and yea not to 4get nazmi as well..my one and only male bestie
Anyway after goin thru the big hoo haa...I managed to noe dat rab2 was oso taking nursing
(she's 2 yrs my senior) cuz fawze told me..
Before dat i eva met her in the toilet..haha..thru another fren..N dat fren actually said both of us
were the same..Lurves to laugh,lurves cat n both have the same name..
Since den it was a hi and bye kinda ting back in sec skul..
back to the story..
so i contacted rab 2 and apparently both of us had the same case
i.e both of us were blur and last minute gurls..
cuz both of us actually didnt noe how to proceed with the orientation guide tingy,
payment and stuffs..and both of us handed the tnigy back at the very last day of the deadline..lol!!
Too coincident huh??
Anyway during the first day of orientation..My beliefs of why i shud be a nurse was strong..
But after a few weeksof skul..i have the thinkin of why am i here?why am i not motivated?
why is it soo boring?
Den due to some errors of paperwork and stuffs..Rab2 was sent to different class...and lecture groups.
No longer the same class with me..Both of us actually cried when there was no other means
of getting her stay put in the same class..
After she left,it was soooo BORING!!pPl arnd me are so dead..
No one to joke with!!
However at dat point of tym rab2 needed more support cuz of new environment and stuffs..
So i actually sent her to the lecture halls fer the first few lessons
and sent her smses to see if she's coping well there..
Soon she gotten hang of her new frens and stuffs and soo...
i had to find newer frens cuz the frens dat i was with was kinda boring..
dats how i met memii..!!!Due to some projects..
and den got to noe nas,geet,kr and other ppl..
actually noe dem long ago..but wasnt dat close wit dem
c'mon..im not so anti-social kaes...
anyway...the point is im still askin..
Y am i in NYP??Y NURSING??!!
Oh wells so here i am goin write down wat i once believed in before i join the course
Why i chose NYP??
Actually i chose NYP cuz of the atmosphere when i came for the open house..
It was so fun and so cool..sumhow i cud feel the NYP spirit
significance of the open housE??
-was being tricked by the SteWpid host in front of evrybody in the auditorium
so embarrasing lar!!
-was scolded by some unknown lecturer who tot me and my frens were NYP students
scolded coz we supposedly din wear the open house t-shirt..
-the thing dat i cant forget ever??
super cool!!I rmb the kids team dat wore white..!!so cute lar..imagine dem dancing hiphop??
den there was chroma x...the team with the super striking suits....
and the hippest ting??FOREIGN BODIES!!!lol!!
me and my frens actually went there to again to catch and follow up the competition..
And so y did i choose nursing??
B4 dat i was torn among some choices such as early childhood,Bio med,Chem engineering,food sciences,
Chem biomolecular sumthin and INTERIOR DESIGN!!
Wanted join chem engineering with my ex..however his dad din allow him to join NYP..
so i came nyp alone...i had to be on my own..
AFter considering,some courses lyk early childhood were not available i n NYp.
so i questioned myself wat i wan in my life?
so this is wat i look out fer
-ability to interact wit ppl esp kids.
-having secured and international job with gd pay
-able to give service with GST!(greet,smile and thank you)
-related to science and arts
-able to go up higher on the ladder
With so much expectations,i reckon dat nursing is the best choices
IT's an art and science.
Its a noble job dat sees life as vulnerable.
Only we are in the profession where we can see life from womb to tomb..
(from clothed to naked..woops!!)
view ppl from stronger state to weaker state..
Knowing all this makes me believe dat nurses treasure ppl arnd us MORE
we are the future profession ion which ppl wud respect us..
We are in the frontline of the battle of disease
and lastly,nursing develops the inner self of us being a lil bit sensitive,vulnerable and caring
After a ll teh hope dat ive instilled and troubles dat ive gone thru..
I hope i can bear this in mind and motivate myself to soar..
KK...but here's the ting..can we not do urosheath and condom cathether??I juz cant bring myself to
see it LIVE!!LOL!!kk...wateva...
PEACE out!!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd

juz realise my post is still crappy!!!
Gd luck evrybody fer ur upcoming tests!!!
lurve u all..
and oh yea lurve my pic up there!!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
okie people..i realise that my posts are getting more and more crappy lar...(as said but ljyj)
anyway..im here to post my last one before my blog hibernates for the exam period ..haha
so..wat shud i blog about now??....
got an idea..im gonna talk abt me myself and i..lol!!
so its gonna be a very BHB yet MAYBE honest post??we'll see..
lurves the camera
lurves the mirror
lurves my brown NATURAL eyes
lurves myself
lurves my hair..though its messy..
lurves being with frenz
lurves talking
lurves my handphone to sms..(the only time i get to exercise my fingers..lol)
lurves staying in skul or hangout..
lurves the night scenery..
lurves cute guys!!simply make me go gaga with my gurlfrens..lol!
lurves being myself..
lurves being me..
lurves bitchin?
do i like night or daytime??
BOTH!!haha depends on my mood..if im feeling tired i prefer night time..lol!!
cuz den can have my beauty sleep..haha
but most of the time i lurve the sun,sand and sea..talkin abt it..im wondering wen
im goin to the beach..wanting to go SENTOSA...anyone??lol!!after exams bahx..
for night time is wen i prefer to be alone..like if there is too many troubles for me..
juz watching the panaromic view of suntec and some other huge buildings from my house
reminds me of my childhood days..yea..and night time is wen im very me..
the vulnerable me..lol..
what am i up too currently??
in skul..have been fishing...lol!!with my gurlfrens..
but always end up disappointed..there's nothing much to see..haha if ur
wondering..wadtha??!?!im actually lookin out for cute guys??
haha yea i am..but dats juz one of the methods to make life more interesting in NYP
oh yea ders one gurl who is also cute lar..haha
BUT IM STRAIGHT ALRIGHT(guess memii n nas have heard enuff of dis..lol!)
at home..im learning to play the guitar..juz had it..haha not gd at it..
and my fingers are hurtin cuz of it lars..haha still with my chords though..have yet to
play a proper song with it..
i cud only play one song(dun tink it can even be called a song..lol) with one finger only..
next question is...
wat makes me freaked out...
the ans are:
okie understand dat its a bit contradictin..
but the prob wit me now is dat..i dun lyk guys to go after me..at least
not for now..but anyways im just trying my best not to freak out lar
im afraid of DARKNESS!!lol!
wat i mean is total pitch darkness!!!
unless im slping den its okie..haha..
im not kidding okie!!
be it lizards to roaches..i'll get super disgusted..
and oh ya i oso dun lyk cosmetics..haha..unless its for an occasion
even for an occasion,powder and lipstick will make do for me..the
rest is uh-uh...
kaes i tink dats abt it..
next question..
where do i long to go??
Sentosa...got this very nice tingy...i duno how to describe it...its lyk a ride kinda ting..
and also got this go-kart tingy..lol!!
wanna go west coast!!neva been there before..n wonder wat kinda place is dat..
wild wild wet...wanna play with the water n rides..hehe
PIZZA HUT!!!!wanna have the cheesy bite pizza..yumyum!!
me and my character??
oh wells i became VAIN ryt now..ever since i join dance..(no offence..)lol!!
cuz theres too many mirrors dat im so super obsessed wit myself..plus bein frenz wit memii makes it no better..
cuz she's super vain lol!!
im SWEET lar most of the tym..hahahA
i noe its super BHB..but cmon..its a fact mann..haha..
im very fickle minded..cant make up my mind most of the time
finds it hard to reject..
im also weird in some ways cuz i luv making weird faces and actions..
for example..
i will always look at the mirror and widen my eyes..lol..haha ders lots tho..
its hard to make me angry..unless im super pissed off
im always laughing lar..sumtyms too much laughter till tears flow..
even if ppl started to scold..im there at the verge of laughing..
im a mummy's girl..
close wit my mum...n granny..
we tok abt almost evryting except abt bf concerning me..
otherwise my mum will juz fake and matchmake me and tell evrybody else
im a homely girl next door too..cuz if im not in skul i'll be at home..
rarely will i go out since i spent lyk almost 3/4 of my days in skul..
im closer with guys...but now..im closer with gurls..
since its a dominate gurls course...
wat else should i say??
i juz lurve bein me lar..
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
First i would like to inform you ppl dat my link to jon's blog is actually to the singapore idol page arh..so if u guys go ryt...u wunt get to his blog..however,u should navigate ur way thru..yea..
Secondly,is anyone joining dancefloor??Do tell me aite den i can lyk support u all the way..wakaka
(actually juz wanna be in da studio...and get my face captured by the camera again!!!lol!!KIDDIN!!)
Anyway people..im so bored lar..EXAMS coming ryt up..plus i've yet to study except for my sociology..I haven got the motivation to study yet but planning to mug and crammed my head with lotsa info during this week..sorry to anyone if im lyk neglecting u all..but yea its only for this 2 weeks..haha hope u all miss me arh..hehe..
my exams period starts on the 17th august till 24th august..sianz...
my attachment starts on 11th sept till..(wait a minute i check out first..) okie till 22nd sept!at SGH ward 72...cant wait for it tho..
den another attachment at GEylang east polyclinic..on the 9th to 13th October..
Having Stagearts Camp(cant wait for it tho i so not gonna lyk the PT section..)on the 15th Sept..
but myt be coming late cuz having afternoon duty on dat day..
in the mean tym praying hard if i could go for SGH pre orientation talk on 26th aug instead of 16 SEPT..else i dun even tink i can go camp..den dats so gonna be sad..really sad cuz im so looking forward for my first camp in NYP..haha...
sianz..this period no more dance..gonna be soooo dead bored lar...
No more buttons song,no more late nights,no more stretching..no more groove..sianz..
anyway can sumbody explain to me wat is grinding in dance "language"..
memii doesnt wanna tell me!!PLS a kind soul out there tell me..waah..im so gonna be dead lar..
and my mum gonna be happy...cuz i wunt be back home late...
And walao..ystd had to go thru the pain of goin home alone..so BORING lars...
No one to tok to...had sum of them accompany me to the mrt..but im alone taking the EAST line..
and thanx to firdaus for calling me lone ranger...but i prefer power ranger..haha okok dunno y my jokes are so lame ryt now lars..aniwae i thot fir was rather frenly arh ystd..cuz usually i dun dare tok to him cuz he luk so fierce..haha...btw ystd i was so pissed off wit ppl in the bus lar..got this couple..the woman was so possesive of her guy lar..and gimme dat kinda look as if im gonna steal her bf..so what if she's wearing a piere cardin's hair band..waah pissed me off lyk hell lar..sumore wan sit in front of me!!den got this guy..pervertic n disgusting pervert...keep winking at me..walao..i feel lyk sending him to the eye centre and have his BALLS removed..(I mean eyeballs...c'mon wat are u all tinkin of???!!!!) and he drop at the same stop wit me lar...being so freaked out i was practically walking fast and wen i reach my block i practically sprint to the lift..haha cuz for one reason im always scared ppl wud juz go in the same lift wit me at night due to drunkards and some mysterious ppl..lol!!plus there is a funeral near my house juz scare me lar..sumore the deceased is the 15th floor!!which is the floor i lived in..so freaky!dats y i emphasize on the need of bodyguards..since my chinese god bro is sleeping at dat hour he cant pick me up ryt..tho he stays the same blk wit me..
Vocabs misused
okie now i realise dat my english is DETERIORATING by the days....i speak ATROCIOUS english ryt now..
and guess wat??i actually said dat geet is a raper instead of rapist..instead of her being the joke of it...im the butt of the joke lar..walao..so embarrassing sia..so much for the a2 fer english..hahakz..
peace out!!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
(explicit content to some extent as it causes unwanted
and undue stress and emotions)
(u sure u can take the results of it??)
okie...the blogger shall not be held responsible for any
injuries physically,emotionally or mentally..)
Test for Dementia
B elow are four ( 4) questions and a bonus question. You have to answer them instantly. You can't take your time, answer all of them immediately . OK? Let's find out just how clever you really are....Ready? GO!!! (scroll down)
1)First Question: Y ou are participating in a race. You overtake the second person. What position are you in?
Answer: If you answered that you are first, then you are absolutely wrong! If you overtake the second person and you take his place, you are second! Try not to screw up next time.Now answer the second question, but don't take as much time as you too! k for the first question, OK ?
2)Second Question: I f you overtake the last person, then you are...?(scroll down)
Answer: If you answered that you are second to last, then you are wrong again. Tell me, how can you overtake the LAST Person? i think you could be in first position You're not very good at this, are you?
3rd question) V ery tricky arithmetic! Note: This must be done in your head only.Do NOT use paper and pencil or a calculator. Try it.Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000 . Now add 30 . Add another 1000 . Now add 20 Now add another 1000 Now add 10 . What is the total? Scroll down for answer..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Did you get 5000? The correct answer is actually 4100.If you don't believe it, check it with a calculator! Today is definitely not your day, is it? Maybe you'll get the last question right.... ....Maybe.
Fourth Question: Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3. Nini,4. Nono................ What is the name of the fifth daughter? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Answer:Did you Answer Nunu? NO! Of course it isn't.Her name is Mary. Read the question again!
(Are you sure you are ready for the next question??)
(I think you better take a rest first...)
(You dun wanna rest??okie lar..shall give it 2 u all....)
Okay, now the bonus round: A mute person goes into a shop and wants to buy a toothbrush. By imitating the action of brushing his teeth he successfully expresses himself to the shopkeeper and! the purchase is done. Next, a blind man comes into the shop who wants to buy a pair of sunglasses; how does HE indicate what he wants?
He just has to open his mouth and ask... It's really very simple.... Like you!
haha...see u all are demented already wakaka...;p
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
hEy ppl!!i got im so freakin happy today!!!i got jon's blog link!!wakaka..plus his email add. plus his friendster tingy..plus loads loads more..!!
haha anyway...memii..thanx fer accompanying me to watch the firework fest.!!it was superb arh..lyk the floating hearts fireworks where we started make a wish and it was lyk raining fireworks arh..had great fun..wit ur brudder too..plus i felt that i was lyk ur brudders baby sitter larhz...i consistently kept a look out for him..and thanx fer the ice-cream treat..dis gurl can eat hard cold ice cream in juz a few minutes lar..haha
thx to hidzir and is fer accompanying me to orchard fer the pre event tingy..though i felt frustrated cuz both of u dint tok much..i cann lyk go crazy down there lar..but a BIG THANK YOU to hidZIR fer putting alot of effort to entertain me..though im lyk the full-time host..(woops!!sounds wrong lar..)ur the part-time host plus tour-guide who dunno the directions..n pls next tym donate to dat guy after u ask from him the directions okie(the guy was asking for donations)
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
haha i did a test to see if im hot...so here's a zee results...
(get ready to puke ppl..wakaka....)
She's a hott girl because of having a dark coloured hair.
She's romantic because she will go out to eat on a date.
She's COOL because she lurves baby blue colour.
She's a rather active girl as she prefers surfing to skiing and skating
She's SEXY because she prefers going to Victoris's secret store(God noes wat shop it is!!)
She lurve being around people as she chose california as her fave state out of ohio and florida(SO TRUE!!)
She LURVES the sun as she prefer going to a beach than to a cooler place(SO TRUE!!)
She's HAPPY because she is born on the month of june
SHe's CRAZY because she lurves chilling out with frenz..
wokays..here's the last part..the questionaire asked me to name a guy of the opp sex......
and the results say that the person will fall in luv with me.....
AND WADTHA!!!!IM NOT THINKIN OF HIM!!but dats wat i sae...OMG!!oh wells....its juz a questionaire...dammit...haha dun ask me who is dat prsn...lol!!LALALALAS...
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
On last sat 05/08/06 marks teh star of Firework Festival 2006!HEld at marina bay..But could be seen at esplanade and the areas there at 9pm.Couldnt get to watch it cuz i wanted to watch repeat telecast of spore idol!lol!aniwaes i got to watch it at home!!Italy's team was great arh..However most of the fireworks were the normal ones..
I lurve the fireworks which shoot out and form stars and heart shapes..Then they also have this fireworks that create stars and can see it floating down!quite cool!
CAnt wait to go fer French's team fireworks on Saturday cuz its choreographed with music!
Goin with my family fer Saturday's one.
New Caledonia is showcasing theirs on this friday..I've not seen their work though..
SEND ME A MSG ASAP OKIEZ..it will last for 15-20mins
here's a lil sumting dat we wud do if u wanna cum join me..
1st we will tok abt the troubles we have and wish to forget about
2nd countdown till 9pm
3rd make a wish before it starts to shoot out..
lastly,enjoy the scenery
and very very last is to cam-whore..lol!!
and very very very last send me home..wakaka...KIDDIN!!
On Sunday was on-the-spot drawing competition organised by SAM.MISSED it!
Cuz none of my family members wanna go..Reminds me of those days with ms ho,Suhair and fadly..We wud have gone fer the competition..ANd fadly wud hav always draw my stuffs on my hand saying it was artistic..hehe..
After dat we would have taken a tour in the IStana itself..where ms ho wud spot works by MR edzra's father who is a local artist famous fer his ceramic works..Anyway the ting is i JUZ MISS ART AND MISS HO!!!Wish to get my hands on ART again!!!
Okies here i am talking about my feelings..I noe shudnt bother people with my feelings..But i've gotta get it out for once..Im in a state of confusion..Im still feeling hurt..
Ppl may tink dat im feeling happy or great juz cuz of the way i present myself..full of laughters and evryting..But there are tears behind those smiles and laughters...My heart is juz wearing an armour..protecting me from all those stabbing words and bittersweet memories..I'm trying to be strong.I'm facing all this all alone..I can be strong but sumtyms its too hard wen ther are some who dunno wat im facing and keep bugging me and ask me who is "he"..
Sumtyms i feel lyk yelling...telling dat prsn to shut up..but i noe im not so mean to hurt others juz cuz of the plight im in now..i juz cant bring myself to do it..Haiz..
im juz taking it as a test of endurance...It juz hurts..but i'm trying my best to be strong and face up to reality..yea..
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
Yesterday was a shockin period larhs!!My dear jonny was about to get out...
but i gave him mental,moral and spiritual support..PPL PLS VOTE FER DARLIN JONNY!!!
was angry..that he didnt get lotsa votes...!!!ppl vote fer him kaes..luv u all..!!muacks
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
Okaes..here i am with maya..and two guys who juz join us...one is ismail and the other hidzir...
was so bloody embarrassed lar..he called me baby..i dun mind if nazmi or rizal...wen i freakin duno dis hidzir guy..lol!!aniwae..he got lotsa questions lar!!
ALL about my freakin nick name..so here i am fer this freakin guy explaining my nick ..hmm.
why am i called baby??
Cuz ryt wen im small i cry alot till no one can take it larhz...
They say my name was too heavy fer me to carry..so....
since i cried alot.....they called me baby larhz...
if u meet up with my grandma n ask her she will juz tell u her story about me....hahakz..so beta not ask..
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
Before i go high again let me start of with a greeting!
Happy belated Nurses day to fellow student nurses!
hope you all that went for the celebrations enjoyed yourself kiez..(though i cant be bothered to go)
my achievement for my first nurses' day this year is that i managed to get turkey have his medications..lol!
plus gave kR who was sick two nursing interventions..
SEE!!im so SWEET ryt???lol!!
okie....aniwae ppl IM ATTACHED AGAIN!!!
I nOE memiI ur jealous..hahakz..
But too bad i broke up with Joakim...(boohoo...!!!)
but happy that i got SUPER HOTT JON! *SWEATS*
So yesterday met my gurlfrens:Fatt,ila,ila's sis and two of the friends
We had great fun...catching up on each other..miss them soooo much..
cam-whored most of the tym..while other tyms filling me in with latest gossips!!
lol!!Aniwae we went to spore idol LIVE!!!At mediacorp..Was so enthu to go there..was hoping to meet my cutesy joakim(my ex-bf as of ystd)
aniway when we were there.we were supposed ta meet hady's mum(this is for real!!Im not lying!)
her mum was so..hmm shant say it here since evrybody and anybody could view it..Anyway we went in..lyk BLUR PRINCESSES!!
Sat in the studio..trying to spot the idols..but only saw gurmit and dan..(the co-host of the idols)
Sianz we were handed poster of hady and supposed ta hold it up...so pai seh!!anyway we were offered to stand beside the stage!!..
Saw khairool..with sum other guys and girls at the front..haha after much persuasion we got right in front of the stage..
When the show started we could see the idols backstage preparing to be on air..I took opportunity when the idols look at ME..i waved dem and wished luck..hehe..
(viewer discretion is advised for the following information as it causes unwanted vomittants n sputums)
(Are YOU SURE YOU wanna read this??)
haha as he was back stage..he looked at ME(mind u its me!!)i kept waving at him..his KILLER SMILE MAKE me go GAGA!!..
heart started thumping!!Humming to the tune of one reggae song(my version) in my heart..
"Drop it on me...Drop it on me..JonnY DrOP YOU ON ME!!!..."
sweats sweats sweats..lalalalaz.....make me go high high high...lol!!
he kept lookin at me...he wanted sing for me...but could not hav da chance to..
he apologized to me...and make it up fer me by holding my hand later on...as most idols went the other side..he was the FIRST to COME TO ME!!
I KNEW HE COULD NOT RESIST ME!!!NEITHER COULD I!!!haha he came and held my hand(while the rest were extra and wanted a piece of him..but he juz wanted me!!)..and it was LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT!>..
GOSH JON..I LUV U MANN!!We Go OUT ON A DATE aite..mish u hunny bunny switie pie...
DONT be jealous kaes..He's TAKEN PPL!!!
peace out..
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
Hahakz here i am to blog about me and memii..
haha..last saturday..we 1/2 of the class went to miips house fer this family visit that we supposed to do fer hs 1028..
since its at pasir ris..i was slacky arh..wore my lime green slippers with black tee and loose jeans..haha..btw ainul was super cute lar..cant stand her..lol..
aniwae after dat thot of getting lilys a prezie fer helping us alot...
so guess wher we went??
haha went TAKA!!!
the prob is my dressing was super slacky lar...praying dat i din meet anione..
so ther we were...in taka..went to dis BIG gift shop...(btw ther was a toy's sale!!!)
juz to find lilys a prezie...so after buying..we were walking...
i could see memii's temptation to shop..lol!!she's a super freakin shopaholic larhz...
so at first she wanted buy a pair of shoes..we went this shop..a huge one..(at least to me was huge..lol)
I felt lyk a tai tai for once...
she juz went in..take one shoe and started saying...
memii:can i have size se..ven..or eight??
sales girl:dats seven
memii:ouh okie...
she put it on...not happy with it she put back and we were abt to leave when she saw another pair..
ask the same thing...and she still was not satisfied..she was about to try on another one when i sae
me:can we lyk go other shops??cuz im in slippers..(laughs)
memii:hahakz..ok lar okie...
lol...so we went around taka...walk2 until the aura of ZARA(a shop which i neva entered in my life selling apparels)tempted her to go in...
haha...she straight went fer her shopping spree..
lol!!saw two pair of tops that she liked..(i chose one fer her)
haha she was feeling with doubt when wanting to buy..but i influenced her
me:hey i think u shud start buying mann..its until 31st july eh the sale..quick arh buy..next tym u come..hafta pay more
memii:but im supposed to buy shoes...and my money is running out..and its onli the first week!!
me:either u buy during sale time or wait till its over..u will neva noe if the top is still there..now quick go to the cashier before u change ur mind!!
with dat she quickly go cashier and pay!!haha successfuly made her shop!!
it was fun lar..
n she wants me to shop....how to when im not dat rich to shop at taka..
lol!!haha and i promise i will dress up when going out with her..lol!!!hahaa...not in slippers nimore...huahuahua...was so super engrossed toking to her until i nearly missed my train larhs...haha..okies memii...hope u liked my rendition of ur shopping spree..lol!!toodles!!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd