kiez so here i am..early fer my 1028 meeting...hahaha..
gosh!!must be proud dat im early today..since ive neva been so early for!!
bought my freakin this very ulu place...industrial park..
at toa creepy lar..its like a place not safe fer a girl to go...luckily had my mum with me..
tried on the freakin uniform....haha its short lar..had to buy L size since the M one is TOO SHORT!!
However had to alter my uniform at the waist since its abit too big..but its still short..haha
after dat had my mum send me to a taxi..cuz she is late fer work..cuz she accompany me to buy uniform..
i had to walk all the way from the engineering block,past the digital media design past the it block..juz hoping i dun meet anione...
so pai seh lar...cuz im!! haha now im off to the meeting liaoz...haha will blog on the outing wit memii soon!!!!lol!!
BTW happy belated bdae mei xian!!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
thanx to many ppl
thanx rab and mei xian
lurve both of u..u guys gave me a listening ear..
u guys gave me tissue packs..
u guys were there to hold me on..
u guys gave me hope..
u guys meditate with mi n let my tears roll down
i lurve u two to the max!!muackz!!
introducing my beloved dance head...Chia Yee Shan..He is a very good dancer lar..(PLs clap fer this turkey..else he will clap all by himself..)
i got closer to him virtually thru sms-es on this very dae.
.the dae when my bestie cried..
he saw her cried..guess wat...this GUY....went panicky lar..
i cant really describe dat well on how he actually behaved..
but when he saw my bestie cried...
he look at me...den..
his face was so nervous!!!and luk at me with two fingers running down his cheeks( a sign to ask whether my bestie was crying)
and wen i nodded..gues wat he did??
he jumped around lyk a girl!!!n was lyk luking fer ideas to console her..
aniwae dat was the start of bonding with him lar..and soon..
today i found out dat this bhb dance head of me actually
thot i lyk him....A BIG TYM JOKER LAR DIS GUY!!!
AND i thot he lyk me lol!!!
HAHA UNTIL HE ACTUALLY CONFESS TO ME DAT.....he thot i lyk him cuz of the wae i sms him,(pls do sae dat he is BHB)
and i told him..dat i thot he lyk me cuz he dun dare look at me in real life..
haha..and sum more can use the reason dat he got ab blood to xplain y he dun really tok to me..
(i must undastand dat he is a different turkey..cuz he uses his brain to tell me the weirdest i must sae dat his brain exercise alot to gimme dat reasons..hehe
Aniwae nevertheless this turkey owaes there to make ppl laugh lar..
and he juz gave me a freakin new name which is soooooooo not nice lar..(but ppl lets clap for the effort he put in to gimme a new nick which is one finger donkey)
nvm turkeys are always like dat de...
haha im happy dat the misundastanding is cleared lol!!
thanx fer being ther wen i nid u too...hehe..
here is him!~!
haha pls gimme ur comments on him..
both are dance seniors..the turkey is on the ryt whereas the left one i thot was cute lol..
but din tink so until the turkey says he is one of the seniors lol!!

the great dancers
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
i never knew it cud be dat fast
i never knew it cud never last
for i had it broken again and again
and thus i feel the pain
lost of one so loved
yet the feeling is unloved
thers no light or hope
n thers no way i cud cope
for my heart as been broken into pieces
and ive took too much risks
and now its tym to let go
i wish u cud noe
For im not one of the gals u thot i were
cuz ive had enuff miseries to bear
and i thot u knew wat it were
but it seems its better without u here
thanx fer all the joy u've given
n the pain ive enliven
not to forget the memories we hac created
cuz dats wat i dat remains undebated
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
RaB Jr. is so started back to her own world of writing again..
this is piece is on hatred..yea..
He thinks he is so BIG!
But he dun realise he is small as a TICK!!
Bloody SHIT!
i hate u from the head to the feet!!!
Tell me u've got the worst to feature
cuz ur the worst creature
Fancy doing all the evil sins
i'll juz treat u lyk a dustbin!
I'm not sure if this is a poem or a prose
and i tink sum ppl wud juz dose
cuz u noe y?I'm so ezly m to the i to the z to the undastood(mizundastood)
N dis makes me hate him to his boots
I thot i cud have it solve
i juz wished dat i cud tell him to back off
but this has happen too many times
and it happen while i was reading lime!
So ppl!cud u tell me ur views
on the way of my life, i wish i cud choose
i wish dat i cud hav my own way
n in the end let the price he pay
Plus he's such a bloody stone
and all he does is just to raise his tone
this makes my tears all drain
n i juz wonder wats in his brain!! life aint purrfect!!
and i choose not to respect
cuz he's a bloody jackass
i'll juz let others say the rest
*PeaCe OuT!*
Dun get me wrong..dis is juz a compositon of my own when i felt angry ystd...
n plus im not refering to my boo!
oh wells i leave u all to figure out urself aitez...
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
hey ppl!!havent been blogging fer a while due to sum tests and semestral exams cuming up...
but i hevent been least not yet(but so far my grades are mostly Bs)..dunno y i dun feel motivated to study sey...n guess wat?tmr's my clinical lab theory n i have yet to touch my otherwise new book(cause i lost my 1st book)...nas memii n geet...its true i didnt touch the book ystd...dunno wad i spent my tym on sia..
haiz dis few days is really a low period for me...
im not sure myself...i feel totally withdrawn..
even wen geet meeps or nas tells a joke i try to laugh naturally..
but it appears fake..
i noe sumting is botherin me..but im not sure wat?? interest in nursing seems to be draining..
i was so enthu last tym..but y m i feeling hopeless dis days
haiz...mayb i shud spent sum tym alone...
i miss my simple life back den..
all of it was pure fun n innocent..
i miss art..i miss ms lim
i miss fatt,ezan,lea,hairi,farhana
i miss my boo..
i miss sarah,suhair,diyanah,nazmi...
haiz..i juz miss my old me...i dun quite lyk the new me..
The Old ME
She was a happy-go-lucky girl who spreads joy and smiles to others
She was the girl who laughs at even the dumbest joke.
She was the girl who luvs being with frenz..
She was the just lyk a guardian angel to sum n best frens to others..
she was the one who is easily contented
she was the one who always compete herself in studies
she was the one who wakes up n looks forward for a brand new day
she was the one who held back her troubles
she was the one who is always called kucing
she was the happy gal dat i was...
BUt its all in the PAST..haiz...
to suhair:HAPPY 15th bdae boi!!!mizz u soo much mann...since ur tikus i shall give u a pack of cheese..hehe..hope ALL ur wishes came true..good luck in evryting u do..
to sarah:u can gimme the ting sum other tym...
to mimie:nie yg kwn fatt ehs??hehe blur arh..
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
yesterday,went back to my alma mater!!
Early in the morning at 7.30am for my beloved councillors' investiture.
I was clad in SJAB skirt,purple top plus a black cardigan!!like wadtha??yea
dun get mistaken!!!i wasnt trying to seduce anyone wit dat!(thanx to khair for suggestin to wear formal fer skul english elective presentation..Lol!)Anyway came wit my dearie..Guess wat??
we missed the first part of the tingy which was the slides presentation dat accordin to sarah n diy had our not can tumpang glam sikit..hehe..anyway it was super fun!
Juz as me and my guy stepped outside the hall,we were greeted with surprised looks & happy faces of our juniors
welcoming us.
They were practically looking at us as we walk...
and obviously we were the first guests to arrive!like wokays...haha sat at the RESERVED SEATS..
missed my skul lyk hell man!missed bein on stage!missed alot of things of secondary skul lyf dat poly lyf dun offer!!anyway their formal part of the investiture was a success but wen it cum to the was screwed up!lol!it was juz a scene of diyanah and sarah snatchin the mike(n i really mean snatchin!!)..hehe n giggling abt when they are supposed ta sing graduation.
at least my batch the preformance was a super success!!haha but my batch cock up the formal at least we got more than 1!!however i tink this year the audience lyk very boring...during ma tym everyone got a fair share of loud cheers..diz year a bit quieter..
new changes have been seen!
ex v.p mrs sim left the they have a super cool v.principal!!!
her name is mrs nala if im not wrong!omg!She's one of the coolest v.p i eva see lar..
lyk for example..she actually asked the whole school if they had watch world cup..
n the whole school started to roar with thunder.people screamin their supportin teams..its soo super cool mann
now handphones are allowed again...lyk wow!!(aniwae i brin hps even tho the rule says thers not much of a difference)
Soon after we went for reception..on our way der..we were greeted by benjamin ong..he is super tall now!!!!lyk he was shorter the year before!,aung lin,azar,scarlett & alot more!
When we were at the teens planet,we were served lyk prince n princess...haha diy n sarah were the first to serve us food n seat with us..they treated us lyk family.lyk me n him as mum n dad n they are the!
had an enjoyable chat with dem..
saw the two cuties who are still as short as eva..Heri n mus...(woops!!shudnt say short or they mite outgrow me one day)
these were the two monkeys dat used to play pinching wit me n disturb me...then there;s noorudin whose height is also catchin up with me..
Rizal dat 4eva xtra..owaes squeeze in to tke pic even tho he is not invited to tke a result he broke his!!!
jennifer dat eva so angmoh who use singlish to blend in sporean culture which is cute..she is always disturbin
my one treasured junior of sjab n ccl who treasure me too is denise..proud of her to becum the vice head..woah!!!i miseed the board alot mann....!!i missed the fun we had as a family!!i juz miss u all..
u guys are the best bunch of ppl i met on my path of life.
u guys gave me hope n strength during my post..
u guys are the best leaders of all..
i luv u all mann!!\
sujita(my junior v.head who took over me as head):hope u really njoy the rollercoaster least i did..haha
faisal SON OF ....(my choice of vicehead):congrats dat u make it to the sure u hav surprises for the sure u wud pull up the board n bring it further
denise:im proud of u my junior!!u deserved it right from the start wen u enter the board..n rmb be humble..n prioritise sjab n ccl well aite..
sangeetha:im glad ur the vice head least ther wud be more fun in the board
for graduating councillors...u guys rawk on..n gd luck fer ur o's or n's ..
remember to show the light to the juniors kaes...luv u all too!!!
n thanx fer inviting me n him...
p/s post me the pics aite!!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
i will be posted to SGH(HATE IT MANN) ward 72
around august if im not wrong..dat is if i pass ma
same with sum of ma frens n yes!!miips too!!!but different ward!!
fatt:linked to u oredi..thanx
sarah:finally u tag!!take care and gd luck fer ur o'levels...
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd
yoz!!ystd was ma freakin hip hop dance assesment...!!!So coOOl sey!!
at last its over...
lol..quite fun..
at first i was abit freaked out when peter told us dat we needed to freestyle to the song hollaback(NOT hollerback girl)
i thot dat was freakin stupid...cuz i duno how to groove to the crew n i were more happi wit how to present it...
soon..the time began fer us to move the groove...
we had to warm up was truly awesome mann!!
we started to do lockin n moving to the groove of my humps..
SUPER COOL!!!lol...we did crumps n stuffs...
aniwae the highlight was the assesment itself...
the judges was peter(my dance instructor)yee shan and firdaus(ma head of dance)n some other alumni and seniors lyk
josh(the apparently called gay senior..but he actually is not)ash(v.president of stagearts if im nt wrong)celia?(guess dats the wae her name is spelled)
aniwae ma crews were the 2nd to get up and showcase our chorea of Don't Cha(choreo-ed by josh)
it's sorta sexy hip hop dance which i quite lyk it..
we had to lyk freestyle fer the ferst was so truly ferst we were lyk so sotong...
but soon we got da feel and den we dance..
lol..juz luv the part which had to move ma super cool..
aniwae i was being called up to dance don't cha AGAIn!!cuz the judges cudnt really see..
but i thot i didnt perform
durin the first two-eights i was lyk uh-uh...had to grab theirr attention n sum more had to stand directly in front of
GUESS WAT I DID??I actually shake ma butts anti clockwise until i reach to the front again..
and becuz i there was still tym..i made a complete turn with mahands up in the air!!!!lol
cant really believe i did it..rab2 was lyk "rabiah,u actually did dat??"
it was really stewpid lar..but had fun..haha
the 2nd dance we had to showcase is the hollaback song choreo-ed by firdaus
dat choreo wAs SUPER COOL mann!!crius!!NO KIDDINg!!
we had to bounce in fer two eights again n dance the choreo followed by one-eighth of posed n two more eighths of freestyle
for freestyle was freakin stewpid...the gals was so lost on wat to do cuz we cudnt showcase anithin..
at least the guys cud breakdance..gurls??we juz bounced..hui ni n i did crumps but it's her version of!!it was lyk
the matrix version of!!but had fun..
peter was so not convince by the gals freestyle and obviously gals had to go again..
this tym i did solo crumps by ma self!!haha...crumps plus moving in a circle..
it was super fun la!!!
dat marks the end of the assesment..juz pray hard dat peter wunt phased out hip hop...pleese..
tmr is jazz assesment..haiz..
oh ya!!u noe wad...yee shan was lyk freakin funny lar..
Y.S:rabiah u GOOD!(with the thumbs up sign)_
me:(in my thots)wats good??which part??
Y.S:i lyk ur smile
me(smile)(in my thot)chey!!thot u wanted to tell me abt my
me to y.s:oh ok.....thx..haha
aniwae had sum constructive comments by jeremy too..he so super frenly..
juz luving stage arts more and more..
cant wait fer the camp!!!!!woohoo!!
Staring blankly ahead;
Just making my way through the crowd